the best way is to use water it give a better feel to the lever 1. fill a bath or sink with warm water 2. undo the bleed bolt on the lever 3. then the bleed bolt on the slave 4. put it all in the sink or bath what ever you used 5. (helps with a friend) get your friend to cover his finger over the slave bleed bolt hole pump the lever about 5 times 7. on the 5th time hold the lever down then cover the bleed bolt hole with your finger 8. let go of the lever remember to make sure you friend still has his hole covered 9. repeat until you are happy with the feel of the lever:D you may find tht if you that if you maggie has had fluid in it its best to flush the pipes out with come hot soapy water i used fairy up liquid make sure u get all the bubbles out 1st though