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Danny Metcalfe

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Everything posted by Danny Metcalfe

  1. F*K you, How about don't judge us on something you clear don't know Fk all about, since you wern't even there.
  2. Ah Mat, You're so funny, yet so simple.
  3. Don't be such a finicky bumm Thers naggg al wrong with Danny's bike, Just a dent, Which happened when danny was there, letting adam have a go
  4. Right Listen Because this is how it is, All you tarts on here can comment saying "you shoudlnt do this and that etc" BOLLOCKS Non of you where there. Or actually turned up the people who said they would... Danny let Adam ride his bike all day, No squables. He took it from outside macdonalds in the morning, But I'm Sure he caught up with us, and then let Adam ride his bike. All day until, I came off my bike, Broke My wrist, and had to go to the hospital, for an X-ray, Cocky and dale where with me, and Adam shortly joined us. Iv'e Met Adam maybe twice now? Don't Know him hardly at all. yet He still managed to come see me at the hospital. If Danny was so perfect, Such an innocent young boy, Would he A) let the bike Out of his sight to start with? come with Adam to hosp to actually check on his bike? or C) Come to hosp to even check on me? No, He Fkd off with lazenby, and the went home. We wwas in the process of sorting out his front wheel and had abit of fun, Yeah it was harsh as fook, but oh well. Fact is Danny you need to learn to take care of you're own responsibilities. We had to carry your bike across leeds with us, because you left it with us, Adam had to take it to Ben's Where he was staying, and you leave it til thursday to check on it? Then have the gall to say we stole it, bcos you're to Fkin Bone idol to take care of "£1500" worth of bike? Yeah the wheel and balloons were tight, and pretty harsh. Get over it. Fact is, It's You're Bike, You're Responsibility to look after it, You're problem. We have a laugh when we ride, just so happens we had you're bike. Look man I'll happily apologize for laughing at something not just me but 4 other people found funny, But You'd think it was funny So yeah, get pissy with me and cocky, but we weren't even part of it. Everyone Know's Cocky is sound, He was the one who suggested I Actually went to the hospital, and look after my sh1t whilst I was in there for almost 2 hours, and yeah he f**ked my grips around but I'm Not Crying And Yeah IMO He is probably one of the most genuine, and funny people to ride with, and talk to over the forum Don't like it, You know what to do, LEEDS RIDE AUTUMN 2009 Only For't Slegzzz! PS: No Grief Intended for Danny Baz, But seriously Grow a pair, and in future say no to Adam, When he tries to borrow you're bike.
  5. Me, Dale and Cocky Weren't Even near the bike all day, Seen as we spent all afternoon at the hospital, With me, Getting an X-ray, since I broke my F*kin Wrist... Beat me too it BassSea boy
  6. Cocksniff Don't get involved It's Got F*kn Bollocks all to do with us, Just Because We are on a video, doing nagg all to his bike... Soon as these Tart's stop blaming Cocky instead of actually trying to get hold of Hilton and find out the whereabouts of Danny Bizzle's bike, Or is that too much like Common sense? X
  7. Thats harsh he took you're bike, And tbf mate you wasn't exactly pro-active in stopping him riding you're bike (Doesn't make it right him nicking it) Has anyone actually spoke to him? And we was fixing a punny, putting the bearings in the front hub properly and truing the brake when that was filmed. Think is its harsh when its you're bike, but if He'd of nicked mine or dales or cockys, You'd of been laughing along with, Don't Deny that. If He has taken it from you, That's Bang Out of Line, But you should never of presented him with that chance. In no way am I Sticking up for what he has done, Nor am I trying to justify it, But having said that, It's You're bike end of day, Take some F'kin responsibility.
  8. Sick riding! haha Nice Vid Sam Keep it up..
  9. Yeah my wrist hurts so wont be riding I Might turn up and take some photos or something. Depends who's going..
  10. Yeah man, The Danny Bazz Bike Pimping Association, Donated for a greater cause.
  11. It's not old school, Its just old, I remember watching that when I was like 13-14 thinking wow what is this, Wishing I could be that cool, and do something that remarkable with a bike, That vid was probably my first inspiration to get into trials, Thanks for reminding me of that, Really brought back some fond memories! Good find Bro! Nostalgic much?
  12. Anyone got a set of isis cranks to sell me tomorow?? need some to ride.... Anyone got a set of isis cranks to sell me tomorow?? need some to ride.... 07905925552 Please get in touch asap if you do, I'm setting off at 9 in the morning. thanks
  13. Xciteddd Got my bike built so thumbs up time! Mitch you still coming?
  14. oh my god, Is Everyone High?
  15. Good find though, That slopes crazy!!
  16. I was only asking weather you sent it or not, And I don't see how I gave you the wrong address, I'm sure I handwrote it in the letter, And looking at my msn records I gave you the right one.
  17. Hey, Not giving the lad any grief, But he has been demoted to NMC (No PM's), and I could do with getting in touch with him, As I have bought some parts off him, Said he was going to post them a week ago, And I'm still awaiting confirmation that he has sent them, No beef, just want to know what is happening. If anyone has his number to PM me, Or if they could get in touch for me it would be appreciated, Thanks.
  18. Muel: He is'nt online, And could do with him sooner rather then later, And forteh, good thinking batman! Thanks guys,
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