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Heatsink last won the day on January 27

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About Heatsink

  • Birthday 01/09/1976

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  • Real Name
    Stephen S.
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Echo ControlHeatsink CNC Yellow VeesHeatsink CNC Yellow MagurasHeatsink Ultralight tensioner
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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    Innovative component design to solve rider needs! Bike riding of all kinds.
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  1. A weekend with time on my hands, so here's a V adapter set in a different colour, and experimenting with a 2 bolt booster I've made.
  2. Just made 2 improvements to my V Adapters. Cut out on each plate to allow thicker V pads to be used Hand polished!
  3. I've just finished building up this Zoo! Pitbull ready for this summer. I think the frame's from 2006/07 and I picked it up from Ebay. I don't think the seller knew what it was as it was repainted and destickered. It had alot of poor quality and knackered parts on it so I completely stripped it and replaced everything except the frame, wheels, stem and handlebars. Zoo! Pitbull frame - originally silver, painted black 26" Echo 4 bolt/disc rigid aluminium fork - originally silver, painted black Specialized 720mm bars Specialized 100m stem Shimano BL-MT200 disc brake 160mm diameter disc rotor Trialtech 175mm ISIS Cranks FSA ISIS bottom bracket FSA Headset Wellgo pedals - originally yellow, painted black. RD Bashring Heatsink Ultralight tensioner KMC Z1 1/2 x 1/8" singlespeed chain Sawn off mech hanger - red anodized Headset stackers - red anodised QR skewers - red anodised Clean 108.9 18t Freewheel 18:15 drive ratio Heatsink V Adapters Heatstink Blue pads in Heatsink CNC V backings Shimano Deore brake arms Avid SD1.9L V brake lever V!z 46mm wide 26" rim on Shimano hub (fixed) rear wheel 15t rear sprocket & single speed kit Continental Baron 26x2.3" rear tyre Kenda Nevegal 26x2.35" front tyre Mavic D321 26" disc specific rim on Formula hub front wheel Heatsink & Tartybikes decals Custom printed Red/Black/White Zoo! decals
  4. I'm focusing on the reintroduction of just Heatsink Magura pads in powerpad backings for this summer. However, my friends at Tartybikes have got the reintroduction of TNN CNCed V pads in the pipeline and I know from my discussions with Ben@Tartybikes that they'll be mint!
  5. A bit of concentration this past week and I've finally completed the V Adapters! More info in the News section 🙂
  6. Great news V brake fans. Heatsink V Adapters now available! https://www.heatsinkbikes.com/v-adapters
  7. Hi all, After a few years of absence, and in time for the 20th anniversary of Heatsink Bikes, the Heatsink Chain Tensioner is now available to buy! https://www.heatsinkbikes.com/tensioner Free postage & double sided Heatsink chainstay protector for a limited period! As is often the way, good news comes in pairs - Heatsink V Adapters are coming next week! Steve
  8. A wet Sunday in England today, so I've been busy in the shed machining up V Adapters. I've updated the Heatsink website with detailed info on these and the opportunity to express your interest in a pair 🙂 http://www.heatsinkbikes.com
  9. Hi Ian, you're still a young man at 41! Keeping the Trials going in your life and maintaining the associated fitness is all benefits. The fact that you're not doing what is average for your age is proof to keep doing it! Aim for better than average and you'll enjoy better than average outcomes in life. Counter to that is the philosophy from our youths to be continually performing better. This can be a source of motivation for a time but as we enter our 40s it becomes a burden likely to kill off our participation. I think it's about allowing ourselves a decline in performance. Like I tell myself with my running, replace the competition with community, and change the metrics of performance from, in the case of trials, rather than how high you can up or gap to just acknowledging the achievement of a physical ride for a certain period of time. Keeping that longevity and fun going. We need these connections to our youth to keep us feeling fulfilled and I've come to realise that the threshold to be better than average is low. Studies have shown that 95% of people over 30 will never sprint again! A healthy man has many wishes, a sick man only one.
  10. A reminder of the results of this awesome comp which Rich organised. Well done everyone! I really enjoyed judging this video comp and was blown away by quality of riding and the fun vibe was very nostalgic on these cheap bikes! An update because the Heatsink prizes are finally going out today to the two Alex's!
  11. Here's my mean machine! Photo taken so you can't see I've only refurbished 3 of the wheels. The car decided to evolve its own ratlook matt bonnet!
  12. Hi all! This topic of V adapters takes me down memory lane 🙂 After reading your posts and seeing the impressive adapters you've all made I was intrigued to revisit a V Adapter design for 2024 with the aim that it be as simple as possible to make by a DIYer using tools in their shed. This was particularly interesting for me at this time because I've just improved my shed set-up with a new Pillar drill and an Angle grinder mounted on a stand like a chop saw for cutting cleanly and perpendicularly through small metal items. To help any fans of V brakes I've taken the key dimensions from the Heatsink V Adapter CAD and dropped them onto the drawing below. For the least effort to achieve a usable adapter you could buy some 20x10mm section aluminium from Ebay and then drill the 4 holes in the right places. The lower bolt hole has to be counterbored for the M5 Socket bolts, and you'll need a M10x1.25mm tap to thread the V boss hole. For sufficient strength the bolts you use to attach to the 4 bolt mounts should be carefully chosen so you have at least 1.5 x the bolt diameter e.g. 7.5mm of thread being used. If anyone was interested in some V adapters I was considering making some of these simple adapters in my shed to the design of the wooden prototype.
  13. PlanetX Zedbi 2004 - Somewhere in Suffolk, 2023 With a 10x1 drive-train set-up (40t front sprocket!) for practicality in someways, and not in others!
  14. Ah, unfortunately the clips don't work since your account is private! Great build post dude :-)
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