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Matt Vandart

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Everything posted by Matt Vandart

  1. Where is it? As in what part of the country? Matt
  2. Late for what, Oh no I'm not the first, deary deary me.... Thats a stupid/quick bodge thread, I'm after permanent bodges. Here is a bodged up maggie brake booster for v adapters. I'ts the brace off a busted a pair o carbon pace xc forks from a skip. Magnesium 40g the lot Cost? Nothing. Works shit hot. Bargain. Matt
  3. I'm always bodging stuff to keep bikes going, this is because I can't help doing it, I just gotta try. I'm not talking about mechanical ineptitude, I can do anything on a bike, Except build wheels which really f**ks me off, but I am determined to get it one day. I'm talking about, seeing how my bike could be better if I modified it, and carrying out that modification spending as little money as possible. Not because I am a mingebag, just because half the time there is not anything that will do the job exactly as I want it, but by bodging a few old bits of shit together it works, sometimes great. I thought of this today when me and my mate were in my garden f**king about on bikes, and he has made himself a little seat for his pashley, for exactly the reasons above, not because he is tight fisted. I think trials riders are more likely to try this as it has all the same problem solving buzz as actually working out a line and nailing it. What bodges have you done? Pictures would be cool, I'll post one of my bodges later. Matt
  4. Whats the oldest thing on your bike? I wondered this, as I have a really old set of Deore V-brakes which are now well worn but still work surprisingly well. They have to be 8-10yrs old surely, though memory isn't that accurate, but even taking that into account they are seriously old. They have followed me from bike to bike to bike, not just trials bikes either, when I had a spell out, going through free-ride and street and dirt and XC, they appeared on various bikes. I also have a pair of middleburns that are well old, an FSA headset that is even older and might possibly be older than the Vees, that still work perfectly (even though the bottom bit of the headset has been cracked for years. I just can't seem to get rid of them. I think the Vees are going now because I am gambling with death or serious injury when they finally give up, but I aint chucking them away! I'll use them as tea stirers or summit. Post your old shit here and lets see how long things really last. Matt
  5. Givit a go it can't hurt mun. Matt
  6. I had a shimano disc once it was proper bo it was bit like a bullterrier on crack. Matt
  7. +1 let the red mist descend and explain it all after. I never let anyone ride my bike, ever. Cant blame anyone else for f**king it up, they can't nick it, and I don't have to f**k anyone up. Hope you get your bike back, and I hope the f**king cocksmoker thieving scumbag b*****d tosspot shitbrained twatfaced donkey raping shit eater, breaks his coccyx on it. Matt
  8. Have you had any problems with your hope? Matt
  9. Excelent stuff, the video was a bit jumpy though, made me wanna Matt
  10. I'm not sure that I would accept the money. Have you put in claims for distress etc. you gotta see a doctor for this. What does your solicitor say? I once accepted an offer in a case and found out that I would most likely have had much more if I had stuck out and gone to court like about £15,000 more. Once they have made you an offer it's like an admission of guilt I would have thought and then it is up to the courts to decide how much you are owed, and you may end up with less. If the damaged shit cost you the money that they are offering and you havn't put in for distress/mental anguish then......... It's a hard decision. Taking them to court may highlight the problem a bit and stop it happening to someone else though. Good luck. Matt
  11. Thats the shit I'm asking for. Thanks shamus Matt
  12. Thats what I thought when I saw it onna E-bay Matt
  13. Anyway the point of this topic was: A: I was interested B: My trusty V-brakes have finally had it and I have been contemplating trying out something else long term I have had discs and maggies before but never really kept them on long term. I have considered getting some new Vees but have decided to come kicking and screaming into the 21st century and believe that I am now riding smooth enough to prevent myself clanging the disc (one of the reasons I havn't stuck with discs on atrials bike for long) and try this combo out again. From the poll it seems most people use Disc front maggie rear. Is there any particular reason why you use this combination. I don't want to be explained the idea behind it I get that bit, I just want to know why you do. I don't want any suggestions at this point about makes and models either, I have enough brakes kicking around to try it out, further down the line if I don't end up putting my trusty (but very f**ked) Vees back on I will then be looking at buying some better shit. Include experiences good and bad also, like for instance I think maggie levers suck and I hate to get stuck in the middle of a woods with a leaky brake, which doesn't happen with Vees. However I have had cables snap on me with hilarious results (for anyone watching and if theres no-one in the woods watching, do the trees here me scream?) I do have a stack of cash burning a whole in my pocket after selling some bikes though so if anyone has a decent wheelset (Disc front/ 116mm back) feel free to pm me. Thanks Matt
  14. As long as it isn't bent more than it's elastic limit you can bend and rebend steel forever and it will never work harden. Wrong, you can weld it and not heat treat it, by heating a larger area around the weld however I like the plastic hose pipe idea. Correct, however if he bronze welds it he will not have to heat treat it. Matt
  15. And your opinion is very Valid, I just don't like em. But then I don't like lots of things other people like, like turkish delight and crackers. Funny you should say Jack flash though...... Matt
  16. I'm not bothered really either way. I always like to ride BMX in groups BMX on your own is for loosers , but can honestly say I ride on my own most of the time, unless it's with my kids, living out in the sticks it tends to happen. Matt
  17. Matt The pictures speak louder than words......... It's in the correct place now. Matt
  18. Is that where I am meant to be pissing, I usually use the bog or a wall or something. I don't think this thread was a waste of time, I think it's great, from now on I am going to look out for all of Pashley26 posts to see if I can catch another tantrum. Matt
  19. I have for sale an ONZA Zoot as pictured below. It has no brakes but is in excellent condition. Wheels are straight and round, there are no dents and it has only been lightly ridden. I want £175 posted. Or will swap for a pair of nice 26" wheels, disc front and 116mm hub rear you pay the postage. This is a bargain Matt
  20. Correct. I was born in Woolongong New south Wales Australia. Gogs speak Klingon anyway Incorrect. Final score 1 out of 2. You can learn "trials" on anything like when it first evolved. However it is easier on a trials specific bike, also you are less likely to wreck it. 24" is the way to go for all round street/dirt/trials. All the frames you mentioned look like good options but I've got a feeling you might be better off getting a DMR 24" (Rythm or Sidekick) you can pick them up Reeeeeaaallllly cheap. And get a more trials specific frame later on if you find you like hopping around. Matt
  21. Indeed it is inspired by Curtis bikes but more from the moto side of it back in the day. It was almost Ryan after Ryan young though but I'm afraid not British. Matt
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