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Matt Vandart

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Everything posted by Matt Vandart

  1. Having the mount on the front of the fork would take advantage of the tensile properties of cro mo, not shear. Matt
  2. And another thing, how do you stop the freewheel from unscrewing itself? Matt
  3. And also, how do you get the free wheel tight on the crank? Matt
  4. I'm not worried about ze cash. The problem is I just bought a hub, A Rockman hub, and when you put the freewheel on, it sticks out tooo far so the wheel dosnae fit in the dropouts. You see, so I wanna buy some new cranks to have a FFW setup. Matt
  5. Thanks for your quick replies guys. Alex, Ive got a 124mm bb I think. are you talking about the Echo SL or just the CNC ones? Muel I love my middle burns but the problem is with my back hub. I think I need a fixed gear on there so obviously I can't use my middleburns. It's not the gear size I am concerned about. Matt
  6. I'm thinking of changing to front free wheel. I currently have midleburn cranks which I really like. I have a monty (FSA) ISIS bottom bracket and my current gearing is 22tothx18tooth I been looking at the try all ones and also monty ones. What is the score with bashrings? Opinions on FFW compatible cranks and gearing would be sooper. Thanks Matt
  7. 2girls1cup LMFA I think it will increase the awareness of trials riding. Trials is hard to learn, so only the people that are naaturally goodor naturally stubborn tend to stick with it. Matt
  8. Might help if anyone knew where you live. Matt
  9. Ja man, I an I agree wid dis sentimont blood Matt
  10. I wonder what petals are......... But seriously, I am currently riding with a rear brake only, and to start off it was very scary. I am only riding without a front brake because I havn't got the correct lever (for me) on the hope monotrials i have. Getting a new disc brake when I get home from the rusty bucket i am currently residing on in the middle of the north sea. Matt
  11. Look at second hand bikes on E-bay. I prefer a bike with a seat as well. I have an Onza spyro but it isn't a standard one, basically only the frame is from the original bike. I like it, not too long not too short, good standover and cheap for busting while you are learning. Matt
  12. Motorbikes (and any sus bikes) have large amounts of chain slack because the effective chain length changes throughout the travel of the swing arm, unless the drive sprocket is on the same axis as the swing arm. When setting the tension on any chain it should not be super tight. Someone mentioned half inch of movement somewhere, this is what old school fitters do when tensioning a chain drive on something like an industrial conveyor, this figure is the total flex in the chain UP and Down (not just down or not just up). I would have said you can get away with a bit less. Blah, blah,blah, poisonous monkey.............. Matt
  13. Had a moto digger on the back and a holly roller on the front of my zoot. Was a big improvement on the unbelievably heavy high rollers. Matt
  14. Learning trials is all about reliseing you can already do things. By this i mean your body can already do it but you need to get your head around it. Once you teach your brain that you can do it it is amazing at how easily you do things you thought you would never do. As for learning to hop on the back wheel, check out ryan leech tutorials on you tube, ryan leech's site or better still get the DVD. It makes it a hell of a lot easier. Also relax on your bike, the tendancy is to stiffen up when you think things are not going right, by loosening up it becomes easier. maifting is spot on with the comment of folowing through. I got this into the heads of my kids and they were away. your more likely to hurt yerself bailing out at the last minute than if something goes a little bit wrong. Good luck, and definately buy your bike second hand. Matt
  15. Thanks dudes, Nick, I couldn't find that u brake adapter plate sorry buddy. Matt
  16. Does the monty Kamel have a 26" or 25" rear wheel? Matt
  17. Wow are you lot pissed?, my kid has better spelling and grammer than that. Matt
  18. put one end in the grove. Hold it there with the other end up on top so it's stretched out a bit like a spring. Run a small screwdriver round the inside diameter and push down on the top of the clip as you go along. I don't think you'll get that but thats how to do it. Matt
  19. Is it mended now or will you always have to take warfarin (Which contains nitro glycerin which is in dynamite by the way) ferever? Matt
  20. f**k me Simpson, you should be on a stage LMFAO Matt
  21. My sister sent me the link to that and she has f**k all to do with trials. I have to say I think Danny is the best bike rider that has come so far. He clearly is a phenomenon in trials. I am gobsmacked at some of the stuff going down in that video. Amazing. Matt
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