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Matt Vandart

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Everything posted by Matt Vandart

  1. watch this: http://www.mtbtricks.co.uk/themanual.html
  2. I am even more confused now...... On the original topic, my kid got shown the kony 2012 vid in school today without any of the other side being explained or f**k all, just sorta hey kids watch this. I shall be mostly going there and causing havoc tomorrow.
  3. Indeed, why? I hope it is not my picture (which is one of these frames) that frame was being ridden by a hooking beast.
  4. What shit program is that from?
  5. Personally i found them to be very good as long as you keep the lockring tight. A dude that rides round here had his blow up on him just a few days ago, sounds like a bad batch. You are entitled to a refund if you can prove it was a manufacturing defect, you don't have to accept an exchange. I found the 60 clicks to be much better and also more than enough engagements.
  6. Plug the old screw holes with wood glue and matchsticks, seriously this works.
  7. find a planet x zebdi frame best for this kind of bike.
  8. I have many, many years ago, it was shit.
  9. I thought the pressure had to be below 14psi to be considered even a partial vacum.
  10. eh? whats that cool wee mudguard on the back?
  11. turn the screw on the ve arm clockwise a bit.
  12. Above the basics all 'wants' have been imprinted on ones mind throughout ones development. Ben says nothing spectacular, original or unknown, he has a very good grasp on critical thinking, which can be learned or developed. He is saying nothing more or less than what Jesus, Mohamed, Ghandi, Bhudda, or any other critical thinkers have said in the past. No offence Ben. There was nothing to gian 20 + years ago, there is much to gain now.
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