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Matt Vandart

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Everything posted by Matt Vandart

  1. depends whether you are a weight weenie I spose. You can get the old style levers to bite and reach the same as tech but obviously not whilst riding. I have the tech levers on V2's and they are amazing, on my all mountain bike but for trials I dont think I would use anything other than BB7's, they are just so much better for trials.
  2. The only thing gayer is Lycra roadies???? Hahahahahahahaha no chance, trials is the gayest sport in the world, roadies wear Lycra to go faster, trials riders wear Lycra because they are queers that like looking at each others asses as they hop over some rocks.
  3. Matt Vandart

    Me So Far

    How long have you been at it?
  4. Undo clamp bolts(dead handy they put split clamp on them) now undo the hose nut (like dave said) remove lever, toss in bin along with the rest of the maggie, fit vee brakes, experience win.
  5. nice bike, those tyres were crap on mine.
  6. My opinion is that these levers are sheeeite.
  7. dunno the answer to any of your questions, you want to ask leon or Ross, however I do wonder why no one is making air hardened trials frames, like bmx frames.
  8. In my experience the zhi could have a bb height of anything between 55 and 75mm depending on how pissed he was at the time o weldage.
  9. I was surprised by the amount of chicks in that video.
  10. indeed, but the Zhi is stiffer.
  11. I was after that bike, lolz
  12. which compound is your tyre?
  13. fat albert is shite on the rear, pinches like f**k at low pressures, no grip at higher pressures and no grip at all in the wet.
  14. narshar sucker. with o teet
  15. really? thats weird, does it turn into slipperoo when its mein dampf?
  16. They always do that in demos. Whats he riding? an ozonys? Interesting to see GT back interested in trials again, I think he has been hanging out with Hans Rey :bow:
  17. where did you get that front tyre from?
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