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Matt Vandart

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Everything posted by Matt Vandart

  1. Doesn't make any difference, if they turn up just tell them to go away, do not under any circumstances let them through the door. Job done.
  2. Are shite, anyone know any good ones?
  3. Just dont pay it, there is very little that they can do about it. even if they get a liability order, which they wont, its only a court order to say they they have found you liable, doesnt mean the gym can do anything about it in the real world. Learn about baliffs on the internet, its surprising what they cannot do. personally I would be amazed if it went to court. Oh and cant you just use some slime to fix it?
  4. you can get conversion spacers so you can run shimano bb's with truvativ cranks
  5. As long as all the connections fit it will be fine, by the way as far as I know the master cylinder is in the lever and the 2 others are slaves.
  6. got avid bb7's on my xc bike, they are good except for long steep downhills when you can expect them to stop working.
  7. alpinestars ones are pretty good, I have worn them all day with no probrems.
  8. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha! Hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahaha! hahahahahahahahhaha! Ossum. As it goes I have given up on trials again for a while, I'm just getting no further with it. Turns out the point of it for me was to help me be a much better at XC and freeride. I now find Freeride much easier and less scary compared to trials. I find myself using loads of trials techniques during an xc ride while other saps have to get off their bikes and push or carry. Oh and hahahahahahahahahahahhaha!
  9. I agree with Luke basically except its not just people that dont look after them that they f**k up on. It also only seems to be hope brakes also. Fit a set of shimanos or formula and you can pretty much forget them, not true with hopes, they leak and thats the end of it. Some hope callipers also spread rather readily making the 'feel' mushy feel after a while. Bleeding is a pain in the arse, I don't care what anyone says, I can do it very quickly and efficiently but still find it a a pain in the arse. The only hopes I have found to be really good are hopetech levers and v2's. The levers are worth it for the adjustment and the callipers seem to be better, I'm not sure If I just got a good set but they seem cool. Avid cable brakes on the other hand are amazing, the bite and hold is far superior to hope, they don't leak, mine don't feel mushy and they are getting on for a year old with the same cables. You can get a full avid bb7 set up for less than one hope brake.
  10. to be honest with you, take a shit, you'll save more weight, its more satisfying and less effort.
  11. I love pashleys, I love this one but hate the stem and bars.
  12. cant help you on a trials bike appart from the fact that you are landing on your back wheel which is gonna f**k shit up, land at least 2 wheels same time IMO. I cant 18o anything bigger than a bmx and on that i land my front wheel a faction before my back and I mean its almost instantaneous. This helps you move your weight back when the back wheel lands and there's yer momentum Also sitting down straight way helps loads when learning or learn it straight to revert. Disclaimer: I do it like this, I do everything in a strange way, I am shit at trials but I can ride a BMX this is a bmx trick. Carry on. oh and suck yer feets up more, loads more. Seems I have been doing it wrong all my life, ah well it works for me: this dull cwnt explains it well with the added bonus of micheal jackson music: (warning he goes on and on and on)
  13. Oki doki, thanks for clearing that up dudes
  14. ok, thanks, so what the hell is spannish?
  15. I agree with this, Ribbos are just dangerous
  16. Matt Vandart


    It's true i seen him
  17. if I have a bottom bracket on a bmx which is press fit and the bit you press in is 41.4mm outside diameter what the f**k type of bottom bracket is this US/MID/SpanniSh? thaNKS
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