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Matt Vandart

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Everything posted by Matt Vandart

  1. Bored and stuff just thought I would post some piccy's. The latest and last incarnation of my Giant All mountain/xc bike. Sadly I am skint and in need of a new car so this one is going to Ebay: the offending shock........ comfort at last! Next ride, my freeride/dirtjump/street/superstuntyspigmobile: and of course my other ride................. ]
  2. Thats f**king awesome! I love it!
  3. This but also try and pringle you wheel on your lap every now and again to stress relieve it while building.
  4. I did that it just was shite compared to coil spring but thanks for the tips anyhoo i'll give it another go
  5. Yeah thats shite, I wouldnt keep that, its not worth shitting through.
  6. Fox RP23 on a Giant trance x 2011 or 12 cant remember
  7. Problem is if I set my sag correctly to my weight, it loses ALL small bump sensitivity
  8. Is it just me being useless at setting them up or are air shocks way shitter than metal spring shocks?
  9. It's just I generally ride to my destinaions these days which can be about 8miles so i'm just looking for a more comfy one than the one I have. My pivotal seat
  10. I have always used split links, they seem alright to me but I am no beast by any means.
  11. the ass boobs question has been asked....... Personally I think its boobies.
  12. Only for a while, and who cares? My credit rating has been f**ked for my whole life, hasn't caused me any probrems. Its easy to fix anyway, you can appeal against anything registered against you and all you have to do is be more convinceing than the others. Also it only stays on your file for 6 years. Also you can mend your credit rating within 3mnths when you are more liquid, fact of the matter is it sounds like your uncredit worthy anyway if you are skint, getting any kind of finance will only make matters worse, so what difference will it make other than you wont have to pay the c**ts and will be better off in your pocket?
  13. what is PF30? I dont think that is any use as mine has a 83mm shell
  14. Indeed, I would get it anodized, orange would be nice.
  15. Matt Vandart

    Ban G

    who me? lolz I just seen the whole page is taken up with this shit
  16. Matt Vandart

    Ban G

    lolz has G gone cookoo?
  17. why would anodizing make any difference?
  18. yah thats the ones, are those ones any good, the ones I had lasted about 4 months, which is pish seeing as I have an fsa platinum pro bb on another bike that has lasted a good 5 years
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