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Everything posted by tomturd

  1. You could get a USB wireless dongle thingy and attach it to the end of a 5m USB extension lead, so you can move it around to get a better signal. I did it and moved the dongle thingy just outside my door and more than doubled the signal strength.
  2. Might be a DNS server somewhere along the line has made a boo boo. In which case it should start working again once its sorted itself out. Edit: see your on blueyonder... did they merge with NTL? NTL are renowned for their shiteness with DNS so maybe thats the problem.
  3. tomturd

    Need Some Help

    2 options: A. do it yourself, its your work B. use your own idea
  4. Just looked at Sheringham_trials' posts, to be honest I don't really know why he's been validated either. If he's reading this he may want to keep that in mind Anyway, we have a new thing to help validate members, more members are being validated than ever. I may as well point out that its the members who have very few posts (ie, 2-10) who tend to get validated. The new system allows us to pick out those members very easily, unlike before when their posts would go unnoticed.
  5. Google - second result on the page.. http://mixsynth.fearfulsilence.com/shavian/fonts.htm
  6. Auto-Mod For Sale/Wanted topics are no longer allowed in New Members Chat. If you wish to post a For Sale/Wanted topic on Trials-Forum you need to read and follow this - http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....ounce&f=13&id=3 Topic Closed.
  7. Are you from the states Seaman? I seem to remember my friend saying when she went to the states, no one used text messages on their phones - everyone uses push to talk or something? That was years ago though so things might have changed. *This also may be complete bollocks* - I think somewhere I heard that Britain sends the most texts per person than any other country. Wouldn't surprise me. This is where all the abbreviations stemmed from, 'cos they're trying to cram an essay into 144 characters of space. If both those are true, then it might explain why the Americans seem to be able to spell better than us, and Brits are just plain lazy at typing. The weird thing is, what you call spelling mistakes, aren't actually spelling mistakes to the person typing them - they do it on purpose. Anyway, I have a personal hatred for 'txt talk', I avoid it while texting if I can and detest getting text messages which require deciphering before I can understand them. Whats the point? Its just lazy. Its not like theres a word limit on this forum (well there is..), and its not like its quicker to type in txt in the long run. PS. recently validated members are getting moved back to New Members Chat if they overuse txt talk.
  8. MSN is always broken.... over 1000 topics on it on TF alone. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....mp;highlite=msn Give it a while and it'll probably fix itself, usually seems to be the case.
  9. TightVNC I think. Installs a web server on your computer, then you can type in the IP from any computer and an applet will pop up allowing you to use your own computer.
  10. tomturd


    Erm... pass. Your not trying to report your own posts? I guess the chances of that are pretty slim. Not really sure what to do, theres nothing in the settings that look out of place. We'll be upgrading the whole forum/gallery in the near future, as well as the report center - that should fix it. In the mean time if its not working can you PM me with reports? Maybe danny will be able to shed some light on it when he gets back from his first day at work
  11. Regards? My comments are aimed people who ARE racist. But fair enough, I'd usually have deleted my posts/written a huge reply and then not bothered, this time I have though - not in the best mood today admittedly. This thread seems to come around every 3 months on TF, I don't know why I bothered replying this time, its the same old story over and over.
  12. I have no issues in talking down to racists. If people think I'm a tool for it, fair enough. I wouldn't value their opinion anyway.
  13. Firstly, lol. Secondly, your trying to justify your racism on the fact that 'non whites' steal phones? Last I heard white people were stealing phones too Edit: why am I joining in with this.. I guess to hope to make you maybe stand back and think about exactly why you get so worked up about this issue, and if its worth the effort?
  14. Haha I'm loving the way people are saying 'They can do this' 'They can do that' - who? As has been said, it was probably a Christian politician/teacher who banned it. Seems like you guys (the racist amongst you - sadly it seems like most of you, but I'm guessing a lot of that is due to the fact most of you are plain immature) will take any excuse to vent your racist, based on f all knowledge opinions. Anyway I'm off to get the Daily Mail so I can join in with you lot. (Again, I'm guessing most of you don't read papers, but your parents probably do, which I'm guessing deep down is what your opinions are based on)
  15. Hmmm ok it seems theres bugger all in the way of cheap printers AND cheap cartridges nowadays. Got a refill kit for my Dell. Hope it works..
  16. My £13 dell all in 1 printer has finally ran out of ink, managed to get 2 dissertations out of it and some other bits and bobs. Time to bin it. My Canon i350 is buggered, I'd get another one of these but can't seem to find them - any ideas? If not anyone got any suggestions? Looking to spend around £40, must have cheap ink available from ebay... no Lexmarks.
  17. Apparently its just a link from nopogo.org, so topic back open. Link in the first post needs correcting though
  18. Agreed. And go second hand if I were you. Seems you've made your mind up already pretty much so not much point in me saying anything. I got a pair of B&W 601 S2 speakers for £110 and a marantz amp (sooo so much better than my 5.1 yamaha lump) for I'd guess £15. Sounds wonderful, which is the main thing, and cost me less than half of what it would have been new (including 'unbeatable' offers) My advice: Go second hand, for £250 you could get a setup worth twice that a year or 2 ago easily. Do plenty of research, it took me over 6 months to find the speakers I was after. I decided to go for a marantz amp after I heard my mates, gives a much richer, fuller sound than my Yamaha which was bought new - I only knew this after I'd heard it though, so make sure you listen to the amp/speakers before you buy - richer sounds should do this for you if you go to one of their shops. And get decent speaker cables (as has been mentioned). Most importantly, don't rush - it seems you've decided on the whole setup in a night, which you're going to have to listen to for maybe a couple of years before its worth upgrading. I made that mistake, now I have an amp which I don't like, and 5 eltax speakers which seemed like a bargain at the time, but are infact shite. Cost me £300 for the lot, now worth about £120 I'd guess.
  19. There are plenty of tutorials on the internet, if you have a specific question, feel free to ask it, otherwise I don't really see the point in making another 'thread' thread.
  20. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....p;f=13&id=3
  21. Read this too. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....p;f=13&id=3 (and follow it, reading it alone is not enough)
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