I don't think life skills should be taught as such, you should just pick them up as you go along. If you ride bikes regularly, then you'll find out how to repair a puncture. If you are into cars, then find out how to fix them. If every one, from every walk of life wrote down what they consider to be an essential life skill, then there would be a list as long as your arm.... a giants arm infact. Totally impossible to teach in schools. When I was younger I'd spend hours making treehouses, fixing my bike, general hands on stuff. My brother however, didnt. He's very much academically minded. And for me thats fine, he wouldn't know how to fit a lock onto a door (I wouldn't either but I'm sure I can work it out), but I wouldn't know how to calculate when a star is going to implode. To him, he doesn't need 'life skills', the ones he needs he already has. So yeah, leave it up to the person to decide what 'life skills' they need, as different ones will apply to different people.