Are you at uni? Voyager should be the program that lets you search through everything in your library. edit: seems you don't use voyager. found a couple of books with airline deregulation in the title, but no journals. eidt 2: god i must be bored. according to google, in vol 37 of 'Journal of Transport Economics and Policy' (which you have in your library) has an article on Deregulation in the Norwegian Airline Industry. 'Journal of Common Market Studies' has 'European Community Airlines: Deregulation and its Problems' article, vol 17. You seem to have an electronic version of that journal too. Theres 2 to start you off.. airline deregulation journal in google brings up some more. and another edit, looks like you have access to 'jstore', an electronic journal store. Seems to be lots of related articles in journals in there.