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Everything posted by tomturd

  1. Yep, if they're available in your area
  2. His sex face was pretty horrifying too.
  3. I'll say what we're all thinking, the graphics are rubbish. Seriously though, feel sorry for the husband, seems like a decent guy.
  4. I would have closed it earlier but I didn't want to give anyone the satisfaction of 'inning' before the close. How about you use the report button instead?
  5. Jesus how many weeks have you snowboarded for? I've done 3... went off piste for the first time ever (hilarious) - tried the most miniscule jump, maybe got about 5 inches of air and didn't land it.. No snow here, doubt there ever will be, too close to the sea.
  6. Does the job nicely Needs a page title but thats all I can suggest!
  7. No warez, read the guidelines. Expect a warning next time.
  8. Can't help but I can suggest you use TrialsTube - basically youtube and tv.isg in one. Its free, part of trials-forum. Like youtube it lets you view videos online, and like tv.isg it lets you download the original uncompressed version. Unlike tv.isg it lets you upload online, no messing about with FTP. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?autocom=video
  9. Use descriptive topic titles, punctuation etc. NMC rules apply in here too, if you don't stick to them you will end up back in there..
  10. Probably because you had Center Lock on, good to see it fixed itself
  11. Might be being narrow minded and boring but would the fact its got all those extras, and the fact its on pistonheads not suggest its been ragged? Seems like a very nice first car too, make sure you don't crash it... its tempting to drive beyond your limits with a car like that, and you only realise your limits once its too late. [/ old man rant ]
  12. Well it doesn't need to be set accurately, just do that its not flashing any more. Otherwise I'd guess its just broken
  13. You sure? I've had 2 separate experiences of ovens not working (in the latter case, only one oven worked) because the clock wasn't set.
  14. Depends, how many texts have you sent her without a reply? 1 is acceptable.. (obviously) 2, only to be used in absolute desperacy, 3 and you may as well end it with 'that stalker guy who won't leave you alone'.
  15. ADSL24.co.uk 30gb Peak Usage 300gb Off Peak (night time) 8mb speeds £19.99 a month - no 12 month contract, no set up fee. Only downside is you don't get a free modem, which would set you back about £30 and you get to keep it.
  16. You sure theres not a 4 pin power connecter that needs to be attached to the motherboard too? That happened to me.
  17. Then your probably way off course on what your about to write.
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