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Everything posted by tomturd

  1. Dell Inspiron 530. 19" widescreen, 2gb ram, 320gb hard drive, vista home premium - £379 delivered. Dell.co.uk.
  2. I can create a new category in trialstube, if you want. Could use the highest average rating as the winner. (ratings will be coming in the next couple of days)
  3. Like that skull and cross bones design, just because its sooooooooo cheesy
  4. He's quite aware of the rules as he specified it in his first post. Thats why he's suspended for 3 days. Thanks for the report
  5. what about something along the lines of this. I've been slaving away at it for at least the past 2 minutes. Just a concept really. Made into a fatter, bulkier, rounder kind of shape might look alright. Or is it too abstract? (its got the T of trials and a backwards F for.... you guessed it, forum). Have I just ripped off someone elses logo? Placing it on a slightly jaunty angle might improve it too. With trials-forum written underneath or something. Or have I just openly admitted to everyone why I never took graphic design..
  6. TF forum merchandise? We've thought about it before, really need a nice simple 1 or 2 colour logo though. Tried doing a logo comp before, but most of the entries failed to realise that 2 colours meant 2 colours, and got some really atrocious (apologies if you entered ) paint designs. If anyone comes up with a good simple, 1 or 2 colour design then expect a free t/hoodie in return. Did I mention it'd have to be 1 or 2 colours only? The design would have to be vector based too I'm guessing.
  7. I'll upload the rest if you want, got a rapidshare account, let me know which ones your doing Nick.
  8. Go on you know you want to Its new code, could do with a decent test
  9. Yep sounds good. This is the kinda input we need, what does everyone else think?
  10. Might be worth waiting around until plans are finalized. If you just can't wait though, the one definite rule I can think of at the moment is to wear a helmet. Thinking about it, maybe with the shite weather at the moment it might be worth doing mechanical guides first? Something that can be done in a shed/garage/living room (if your inur) while its dark and raining outside?
  11. Well either/or really. Whatever people would prefer? Could have 2 'categories' - eg 1. Bike Maintenance and 2. Technique. Should hopefully be able to scab some prizes from somewhere
  12. Been thinking on and off about this for a while. Its been ages since the last 'official' comp (years maybe?) What does everyone think to the idea of making technical guide style videos? A bit like Inur's bleed video, but for moves. Would mean everyone would have a chance of winning, as it would be based on the quality of the explanation of the move rather than the riders ability/the move being described. It'd also be a great resource for TF to help out people who are learning. Heres Inur's to give you an idea, Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload Thoughts?
  13. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating Summaryoij Given By: tomturd You were the: Seller Date: 1202310280
  14. Bollocks. In upgrading trialstube I've cocked up the feedback system, apologies. I'll try and fix it tomorrow, means attempting to extract 700 lines out of a 250mb txt file
  15. Sounds like you were using it just as I was updating it. If you try again it should work
  16. I've been working on TrialsTube (or ttVideo as the name I've released it under) for the past couple of days. Feel free to test it, if you upload a video to test it, and want it removed just PM me and I'll delete it. Main change is the video upload page. Its been unbodged and fits in with the forum better now. As always, suggestions welcome. I already have comments (done), related videos (done), reccomended videos (half done) in the pipeline.
  17. tomturd


    Nice one on the exam, but sounds like you put just a tad too much effort into the coursework. Ah well better luck next time
  18. http://www.bikebiz.com/news/29379/Sheldon-Brown-RIP
  19. tomturd


    I've been to swansea halls before, your living in relative luxury! Looks like you have carpet on the floor, you lucky boy. We had those lino squares like I used to have in school. I imagine nowadays any half decent school would have ripped them up and replaced them with something more hygenic. Wish I had photos of what ours used to be like, twas a real, real shit hole. Probably the best year of my life though.
  20. tomturd

    The Worst Music

    Is that actually how its spelt? If true, then for this particular moment in time, thats my most hated song. And its shit anyway.
  21. Seems to be the best here - http://www.dslzoneuk.net/isp_ratings.php ADSL24 (my recommendation) coming in 3rd place.
  22. Microsoft FrontPage is probably the web developers software of choice when it comes to developing ecommerce sites. But why not just use osCommerce or something instead. Saves you the hassle.
  23. Now I'm really confused. Its claiming jakeATnocolour.co.uk now?
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