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Everything posted by tomturd

  1. Loads of topics on this in the past, try the search.
  2. tomturd


    I thought it was free to withdraw money? Or maybe thats only over X amount for some reason.
  3. Seems we have pretty much the same thread going on here
  4. tomturd


    Yeah its about 4%. Fecking pain in the arse. People should be made more aware of the fact that they can just go into a branch of the persons bank, with the person details who they want to pay money to, hand over the details and the money and it goes straight in. So if I owe someone £10, and they give me their account number, sort code and branch (eg HSBC). I pop down into town, with £10 and their details. Go into HSBC and hand over the money & details and BAM. Hassle free (well, kinda) instant money transfer. No waiting around 4 days like with online transfers.
  5. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating Summaryexcellent, fast postage, nice to deal with Given By: tomturd You were the: Seller Date: 1203361518
  6. Looks good. Was wondering yesterday, they look a lot like the heatsink yellows ones from years ago (obviously.. yellow is yellow after all ). I also remember a topic a while back where someone posted some rubber samples, and it turned out people were getting the same samples from the same place, and obviously the same results. Have you got a different supplier then? Or is it just a standard grade of rubber thats known to work well. Not having a go, just genuinely interested. Expect an email when/if it takes off saying something along the lines of 'give us money' But for the time being I'm happy to see another rider run business start up, best of luck with it.
  7. tomturd


    No, you can 'withdraw' money to a bank account if you want.
  8. tomturd


    You can 'load' money into your paypal account by linking a bank card to it, yes. So you don't have to sell stuff to get money in there.
  9. tomturd

    Heat Sink

    PM him or email him through his site.
  10. done, apart from the curb comp ones with apostrophes in the titles, if you can remove them I'll transfer them over too.
  11. I was never intending on changing anything, just wondered what peoples opinions were.
  12. Ok so we're decided, Trials-Forum shall be renamed trialforum, I'll get on the case ASAP.
  13. Wow some pretty strong opinions haha. Biketrialuk is what got me thinking - and that sounds 'right' to me. Then again so does trialsforum. TrialsTube sounds slightly wrong - was thinking trialtube sounds better. Fact: its almost impossible to type trial without typing the S on the end and then going back and deleting it.
  14. I copied and pasted that question straight from the title though... must be some kind of witchcraft going on in my computer.
  15. I would like to say the same. And can I have a cheap tyre. Thanks
  16. tomturd

    Search Options

    Ok sphinx is installed. Sooooo much faster at searching than it was before, and results seem to be relevant too, which makes a change. I'll reduce down the 30 second limit to 10. And you can search for 2 letter words and above now. "2. Is there an option of searching users posts to specific threads? Rather than specific forums and sub-forums?" No dont think so. Just done a quick test.. searching for 'bmx gearing ratio' took about 5 seconds before and returned over 1000 topics. Now it takes 0.05 seconds and returns 5 topics.
  17. If you mean the silver thermal grease stuff, then I'd guess the better it is, the faster heat can dissipate and the fan can run at a lower speed, giving you a quieter machine. Thats what I'd have thought at least!
  18. tomturd

    Search Options

    Yeah I know the search is absolute bollocks. The 3 letter rule is part of how the actual database works - so theres no way around that. The 30 second rule is there to stop people hammering the search function as it takes up soooooo much resources to complete the search. I've been looking for a while at installing 'sphinx' - a dedicated search program on the server which lets you search for 2 letter words and takes a maximum of 0.05 seconds apparently. Only thing is its a bit more clutter on the server, and requires changing the IPB files (which is annoying when it comes round to upgrades...). Will keep you updated...
  19. Looking better this time :)
  20. I used to run Tenby Trials years and years ago, around the time of the Trials Kings (although we certainly weren't anywhere near as good as them..) Then I started a forum called 'mtbforum.virtualave.net' for tenby trials, and over time invited all the other small trials websites about at the time to join the forum, and set up a separate section for each site. Notably with danny from CR trials who I spoke to a bit on msn, he was also a dab hand at html so he was made an admin and we ran the site together. That got closed down by virtualave because I was hosting videos on there, and wasn't supposed to be. So started trialsforum.virtualave.net - same thing as mtbforum really. Then one day I decided to register trialsforum.co.uk - not sure why really, but the forum seemed to be taking off more than tenbytrials was, so the forum got its own domain - which I redirected to the virtualave.net site. That was all run on an old forum software called ikonboard (I think biketrials.com still uses this for their forum) - but the bloke who wrote the software got bought out, and eventually started writing invision (the software we use now). Danny was the first to install that after a few server crashes and nicked member number 1 in the process (b*****d) Theres loads of what it used to look like on archive.org.
  21. tomturd

    First Cars.

    106 which I crashed not long after I passed Ancient mk2 fiesta which is now in mongolia - drove it around a few years until my insurance got back to a level of normality - really fun car actually for going down the beach, good memories. Fiesta Zetec which my brother now has Now I have a seat leon 1.9 tdi fr (cheers dad!)
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