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Everything posted by tomturd

  1. Nah thats the good thing about having a range of different mods with different opinions. At the time I thought the thread was going nowhere so may as well join in for once rather than being the bad guy
  2. Haven't myself. But I like the advert where they offer it (for a fee I guess) and claim there is a 95% pass rate. To me that sounds like its piss easy. Would be interesting to hear from anyone who's actually done it.. EDIT: just thought I'd have a browse around the net to see how you earn one of these. Seems like you can do a 30 day course. There's an interesting article on 'the register'. This kind of quote really annoys me Why didn't they just say 'Learn how to set up and manage a network'. Meant to say 'check if theres new drivers available, if there is, install them, if not upgrade the hardware cos it'll be out of date anyway.' Reminds me of being in meetings when I used to work for a rather large FTSE 100 company where everyone just spewed bullshit for 20 mins and achieved nothing apart from 'going forwards.. we'll just do our jobs yeah?' Rant over..
  3. Ah memories.. I see DCDs have already been mentioned (the pictures of a bike a couple pages back with a 'ging' reminded me) - found my old one the other day actually. Self modified to fit square chain stays and a welsh flag painted on it, as I seem to remember the mart(i/y)ns having a brisish flag on theirs. My memory is patchy..
  4. Have you reinstalled XP recently? Sounds like you haven't installed your graphics card drivers. If you have - try uninstalling them and re-installing, or update them.
  5. Nearest chain style fast food place to me is mc donalds about 30 mins away - boo. So gonna have to be the kebab shop for me - surprisingly nice after about 5 pints. But never before.
  6. Used to be able to manual for miles (well, maybe not miles... lots of hundreds of meters though) on my old totally unsuitable for trials dual slalom frame. Can't manual for shit on my base.
  7. tomturd

    Search Options

    Oops seems I made a slight error in setting it up. New posts weren't getting searched. All sorted now though
  8. Jack of all trades... Can't say much really, last summer I was doing the same kind of thing, fences, patios, decks. Good fun, might do the same when the weather picks up. At the moment I'm doing bugger all really.
  9. And most importantly the HTML remains unchanged. Really good site, haven't looked at it for years, will have a browse now.
  10. Whatever you do don't go to court and try and claim it wasn't your fault. You will probably get the same reaction as you've got from some of the more mature members here. You need to accept responsibility.
  11. CSS. You should only use tables for tabular data, eg a price list or something - not layout.
  12. It is compatible apparently. I had a go earlier, but think I was meant to select 'write changes' at the end so it didn't work. Took a while to figure out actually.
  13. I've just knocked on pip off every rank above 1000 posts because it was wonky.
  14. You can change that bit of text once you have 50 or 100 posts (Can't remember). People are getting too many pips, think some re-arranging might be in order.
  15. I did some investigation in the past (searching for lines out of skin files to see if they matched anyone elses code) - tartybikes seemed to be using cubecart (although they say it was written in notepad - reckon the developer might be telling some porkies) Only v3 is free by the looks of it.
  16. Speakers have 2 cables per speaker, headphones only have 1 cable per speaker (only just realised that). Even if it did somehow work your speakers would be as loud as your headphones - probably quieter even. Actually I'm quite confused. What sort of 'mini' speakers are they? If they're travel style ones just plug them straight in.
  17. Don't worry about it, it will be new to some people.
  18. Is the mouse broken? Try it on a different comp. Is it a ball mouse or laser mouse? If its a ball one, take the ball out and scrape the crap off the rollers.
  19. The only people I've met people from bridgend are twats who come down on weekends looking for a fight.
  20. tomturd

    Tra In Oslo

    Look at zeromatts post, you can download the full, unconverted version by clicking the 'download' link above the video.
  21. Chill out guys... If none of you replied with your witty comments then this thread would be on page 2 and forgotten about by tomorrow. Instead I get reports in and have to deal with it..
  22. tomturd

    Blu Ray Wins

    No, it isn't. Not unless you upgrade your DVD drive to a Blue ray DVD drive which are about £100 by the looks of it. Probably £20 in a years time.
  23. It would be more helpful/kind if you answered peoples questions and thanked anyone thats helped you, and maybe let us know what you did in the end so anyone in the same situation in the future can learn from you. We only close topics when they absolutely have to be. Otherwise they are left open so people can reply to them in future if they need to.
  24. Stop being a dick dave. It takes about 10 seconds for you to end up in new members again.
  25. I'd be inclined to agree. Already getting reports in about this.. your 'offline' friends should be able to help you through and with do a better job than anyone on the internet can. Sorry to hear about the people you knew.
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