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Everything posted by tomturd

  1. Hmmm %age you say.. that could work. I'm going to re-write the feedback system some time, its not my code and its an absolute mess behind the scenes. I reckon a %age next to every post, and then a breakdown of the %age on posts in FS/WTD would work well. I'll include that when I rewrite it.
  2. Well, good... thats kind of the point. +1 is spam as far am I'm concerned, with fast reply enabled its just going to encourage even more un thought out spam.
  3. Just because we don't all like doing backflips etc I did take a risk the other day actually - you won't believe it when you hear this one! I was in somerfield, thought to myself 'I need butter.. hmm shall I get some? I've only got a little bit left', after much deliberation I thought f*ck it, what I've got left should last. Consequently I've now run out of butter. Anyway, job done, thread closed!
  4. Will do tomorrow, my head is broken now. Will probably look something like this though http://hotukdeals.com/item/158222/for-sale-xbox-360-games/
  5. Its just hidden for the time being. Can't work out what to do with it really... duplicated it in both forums? Make it a new subforum of classifieds? Leave it out as theres a feedback button at the top? Or maybe have a 'View this members feedback' (quite an obvious link) on every post in there.
  6. Auto Mod Please use the Best Of The Internet for topics like this.
  7. Maybe he's referring to the fact that people generally only donate to charity if they're reminded about it some how (eg through BBC, or donation boxes etc), and it'd be better if people donated without having to be 'prodded'. I did nothing for sport relief. I did however make it so that when you post a video on TrialsTube, it'll automatically make a topic in Trials Videos for you (if you choose to do so). Thats me donating time to the people of TF (and I have nothing else to do).
  8. There is, but it costs about $500 I think, and the company who make it are idiots it seems. Maybe I'll have a crack at one once TrialsTube is finished and after I've written my own feedback system (which should only take about 2 days).
  9. Last time I split a forum into subforums I had a whole world of hassle (Splitting sites/pics and vids into the media forums). So excuse me if this time I'd prefer to clear it with members first..
  10. 6 main ones and 2 for specific forums is too many?
  11. What if they're not actually wanting to sell it, they just think 'ah yeah, I got one of them which I don't need'? Doesn't bother me either way (apart from having to move a few thousand topics ).
  12. You managed to explain that a lot better than I did!
  13. Its been suggested in the TF ideas thread. Arguments for: the forums fast moving so a topic might be on page 4 within 24 hours of it being posted Arguments against: (cheers anzo ) I don't think people will ever look in the Wanted section. They both cancel each other out...if people want to sell it they'll put a topic up. I dont think people will look through pages of threads to find a wanted advert for something they have. The poll will decide, so if it does indeed get split into 2 subcategories anyone caught winging about the change will be subscribed to every forum on TF, meaning an email gets sent to you every time someone makes a reply to any topic - that seems a suitable punishment
  14. For the record, I've read every post in here and I'm taking it all on board. I like the suggestion of another check box after 'I have read the rules' saying 'I know I'm not allowed to sell in new members chat'. The whole registration process needs to be more clear really. Split Classifieds into subforums, if thats what people want it can be arranged. My only counter argument would be that when its mixed together like it is now, it means people selling stuff can easily see if people are wanting stuff. If you only ever sell stuff then you're unlikely to look in the wanted forum. But its up to you. I'll make a poll now..
  15. Oh right, I thought you were sending me your girlfriend, never mind then. Can't help on the loading problem sorry - maybe try a different player, or burn at a slower speed.
  16. Better than nothing I guess, I'll give you my address on msn. Cheers.
  17. Yeah you can do it with nero, very easy. Open nero (the full version thing), cancel out of any wizards which might pop up. Click 'recorder' on the tool bar, then 'burn image'. Open paypal.com Send all your money to me. That should do it.
  18. I used to use httptunnel to get around the uni firewall. Used to cost about $10 a month I think - I tried loads of free ones but basically bandwidth costs money, so I doubt you'll find a reliable free way of doing it. I used it for downloading from newsgroups, until the uni found out and blocked that too.
  19. Got an email from bikebiz about that today, apparently they stole the idea from someone in america - naughty naughty. http://www.bikebiz.com/news/29436/TfLs-viral-ad-is-a-rip-off
  20. Your email address is mer***cy@hotmail.co.uk - you should know the starred out bits. No advertising in your sig.
  21. Most definitely pretty windy here now. But it often is.. nowt special.
  22. Sounds like its just picking up here. I'm in the very bottom west corner of wales.
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