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Everything posted by tomturd

  1. woo and again. Number 10 this time though.
  2. What does relatively cheap mean? What are you after and for how much?
  3. Indeed. Use msn if you want to chat about nothing in particular..
  4. tomturd

    3 Usb Modem

    Try turning on windows firewall? http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/231923...-win32-services Try it in a different usb port. Unplug every other usb lead. Unplug modem. Uninstall drivers. Shut down. Reinstall drivers. Shut down. Plug in USB. Start up?
  5. http://tartybikes.co.uk/contact-us.html
  6. 2 reports.. first warning, 24 hour posting suspension. Read the guidelines.
  7. tomturd

    Website Basics

    Any text editor (sorry, someone had to say it), preferably with syntax highlighting. I use komodo edit in work. As for wanting to do 'more complex stuff' - I'm not sure what you mean... basic decent skills with html and CSS will get you very far.
  8. Me standing next to a car somewhere far, far away.
  9. I had a 5 storey tree house at one time. The top floor was pretty sketch though.. only had the guts to go onto it a couple of times.
  10. Cars in brazil run off alcohol.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/5263384.stm
  11. Danny and myself have figured it out.. its working now
  12. Sorry for the slow reply, I have replied now
  13. Sorry its a bit messed up at the moment. You can still upload videos and download the full version, they just aren't getting converted properly at the moment. Its a problems with permissions. Any linux experts who fancy helping out.. get in touch! Otherwise I'll have a proper look at fixing it when I get the chance.
  14. Erm. I'm no website designer, but I'd say try to keep it simple. Come up with a small simple palette of colours (for example, that cube bikes site uses about 3 colors - yours has 6 or so main colors on the main page, then 'random' colours on other pages. Eg, the 'team onza' text I just happen to be looking at is in orange, the background is a gradient, the logo is yellow, the background of the content box is grey, the border is light grey and the links have a red border. Its a bit like you've just chosen random colors.. you should really choose the colours you want to use as one of the first things you do and think them through. I'd suggest making the background a solid color (black), getting rid of the 'busy' flash header links (why are they flash?) and replacing with html, simple white text, black background, maybe a white border on hover. Ditch the orange and red, use the yellow of the logo sparingly. Keep it simple..
  15. Stop being dicks... you know who you are.. (and no, the earth isn't flat)
  16. In april it was 1 (dont know - any ideas?) 2 chainreactioncycles 3 bikeradar 4 evans 5 pinkbikes We only get told our position now, so I couldn't tell you more up to date stats without paying £800 odd a year for the reports.
  17. Just got an email through saying we've hit number 9 again between april and june
  18. tomturd

    "mr Leon"

    Admittedly, I've only read the last 4 messages.. but if theres actually a need for this topic to still be open then PM me (preferably explaining why..)
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