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Everything posted by tomturd

  1. My new steed/project. Bought off ebay for £20... no pictures, just 'racing bike, good if you like doing up bikes..' Stripped all the components off it now, and stripped the paint off the forks (revealing the lovely original metallic ivory kind of colour), so just the frame to go. Its going to be a beast. All the components are branded, some italian names I've never heard of, mavic, shimano, lots of 'made in italy/france' stamps, so I'm guessing/hoping that back in the day it was a quality bike (or were all bikes like this from this era?)... prizes if you can tell me what make it is/how old its likely to be. Suggestions welcome on how to go about restoring it too. I've already planned to paint it back in its original color (metallic off white) and put all the components it came with back on (bar the headset, which is rusty and beyong repair, and the saddle which is uncomfy as ****, plus new cables etc). I'm thinking white outer cables, black saddle + grips? I'll get pics of my 'get to work' bike and my cheapo still-in-progress DH bike up later.
  2. tomturd

    Dab Radio

    6 music, or classic FM
  3. There you go. People seem to think we're actually part of tartybikes, we're not. They pay for a banner, we show their adverts.... thats as far as it goes. I think we're both happy with that arrangement. What we are not, is an email inbox for shops, this includes tartybikes. Whoever posted the meat poisining one is on the verge of being put back into pre members, the thread just turned into ripping into him, so it was closed, I didn't put a reply because if you stopped for a second and thought about it you'd have probably worked it out for yourself. The last thread was closed months ago. Closed. Official reason: Because if you have a problem, then email us directly. Its in the guidelines, give them a read http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?act=boardrules
  4. Thats good.. but we're not tartybikes, you're best off emailing them.
  5. And upside down pair of forks, using a zip tie as a rim wobble guide?
  6. My mate has one, only thing to consider is the noise they generate... can get annoying.
  7. What time is it? They're right as far as I can see...
  8. yarp. you can log in with your TF user and pass
  9. tomturd


    May be a stupid question, but is Lazenby the same person as Ben Lazenby? Looking at the email addresses they're different people.
  10. Auto Mod Please use the Best Of The Internet for topics like this.
  11. 2 new 'classic' skins added- you should be able to view them now. Either way, as Danny said, he'll be sorting them out so they look more familiar.
  12. I've uploaded a couple more skins. None are very good. 'grey lustrous' is alright though, in terms of clarity.
  13. sphinx installed... search for gu, how's that?
  14. Thats because we haven't installed a thing called 'sphinx' on the server. Once we've done that, you'll get results for 'gu'
  15. Nope... well, there is probably a way, but if you want chatrooms time travel back to 1999 and go to yahoo.com (or do they still do them?)
  16. It'll probably be limited to once per 30 mins or something.
  17. refresh griffin! if the new PM thing doesn't convince you...
  18. Nope Quotes are messed up indeed, that would be fixed - as would avatars. Theres too much good stuff not to upgrade (search is much better, PM conversations, build in report sytem to name a few)
  19. The usual replies then Bearing in mind, if we didn't keep upgrading (normally against members wishes... :/) the forum would still look like this http://web.archive.org/web/20030204014716/...ls-forum.co.uk/
  20. Not sure when it'll happen, but it will one day. I was bored today so did a test run - http://community.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?act=idx - feel free to play around, all data will be deleted sometime. Any thoughts? (here come the 'noooooo, i don't like change' replies )
  21. Comp over. Banners@trials-forum.co.uk for advertising.
  22. The search is fairly crap to be honest. When we get around to upgrading to ipb3.0 it'll be much improved.
  23. banners[ at ]trials-forum.co.uk for advertising..
  24. Correcto, The guy has contacted us before but asked us whether it allows advertising on the forum, I'm pretty sure all the details are on the PDF which we send. (basically, only 'legally' allowed advertising is the top banner, thats it). If he's still interested get him to contact us
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