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Everything posted by tomturd

  1. Thats annoyed me for months... thought it was only me. Fixed.
  2. Dunno where statuses has gone.. I disabled it by mistake and now I can't reenable it :/
  3. Videos section has been 'videofied' http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?app=ccs Still a bit shabby, but the general structure is back. I'll enable uploading soon.
  4. haha! yeah, tis a bit last of the summer wine.
  5. Cheers guys Taken enough time to get it to this stage.. this is bike number 4 of mine and unfortunately has been bottom of my priority list (although its working its way up). Glad you're all liking the colour, I spent more on paint, stripper and lacquer than I did on the bike :/ The whole thing has cost me about £100 - £120 so far (inc cranks) which is more than I was hoping for. Ah well its been fun so far, will give it a few rides to work then probably stick it on ebay along with my other bikes to make space and money for a specialized pitch. Seeing as the sun is out, one more pic -
  6. You know cats make some bloody weird noises when they're fighting? I was walking up the side of my house at about 2am and thought I could hear what was a 5 year old kid moaning in pain in next doors garden. But it didn't make sense 'cos it was 2am... so shitting myself, I got into the house, retrieved a torch, and found my cat sitting there looking fairly relaxed, making these horrible noises at another cat. Generally sounds a lot worse than this - (1.18 is pretty good)
  7. Auto-Mod For Sale/Wanted topics are no longer allowed in New Members Chat. If you wish to post a For Sale/Wanted topic on Trials-Forum you need to read and follow this - http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?act=announce&f=13&id=3 Topic Closed.
  8. Updated: And a question. Now, its probably stupid... but I can't for the life of me work out how these shifters are meant to work - I replaced the original black plastic ones with these new shiny ones (which happen to make a nice subtle clicky sound), but when I move them back (to get into an easier gear) the rear mech just pulls them straight back. How is it meant to work?! edit, the chain isn't on yet. would that make a difference?
  9. I've had someone claim personal injury against my insurance company before (my fault, me being a tosser), but that in itself doesn't raise my insurance premium (I don't think). What did raise my premium was the fact that I claimed, and I'll be paying that back for a few years to come. I hardly knew about the fact the person I crashed into claimed, and IMO they were perfectly entitled to it. Thats the reason I pay insurance, and its the risk that the insurance companies take. All in all, they make money and probably lots of it. EDIT: I think the difference is that these people are claiming against an insurance company, its their business to insure people. Part and parcel of that is that occasionally people will put in claims and they'll take that into consideration when working out premiums. If it were a person claiming against an individual or a business (like you see on telly) then I'd agree with Tomm.
  10. Put a claim in, its just the standard thing to do. Thats why we all pay such high insurance (and its not as if we'll pay less if people stop claiming.. they'd keep the prices where they are) and you're perfectly entitled to it. PS, I've never claimed for an injury, but definitely would do if someone else crashed into me. If you were claiming £1m from Mc Donalds for scolding yourself on a cup of tea, then I'd think differently.. but you're not. Go for it, you'll just be lining the pockets of the MD of Direct Line if you don't.
  11. That sounds like a bit of a bargain. I'm slightly gutted that we aren't going to see any pictures of a 50" CRT though
  12. Mind if I ask how much you paid? Looks exactly the same as the bike I'm going to be selling once its back in one piece...
  13. Reading this thread actually annoys me, I know it shouldn't.. but it does. power trip coming up...
  14. I'm really proud of the shower I made out of hose pipe attachments that fits onto my bath taps. Crap showers really piss me off, and this one I made it comparitively amazing (and its still going for anyone that remembers pictures in the Happy Thread - in fact, its been updated since, I'll post more 'cos I know you're all dying to see it) It makes me feel proud every morning.
  15. Did you hear about the magic tractor? It turned into a field.
  16. have you thought of setting up a justgiving.com page? Really easy and means people can donate with paypal. Sounds like a good idea. I'd like to think that the winner would donate their winnings to charity too ah, and the FB link doesnt seem to work for me
  17. Google Navigation coming to iphone apparently: http://www.sizlopedia.com/2010/04/24/google-navigation-app-iphone/
  18. Do you have an android phone? if so, just install the latest google maps and it'll also give you google navigation - which is sat nav over the top of google maps. I've been using it recently instead of my tom tom. Not quite as good yet, but they seem to be updating it fairly often.
  19. anyone else getting a new notification each time anyone adds feedback for anyone?

    1. RossMcd


      nope just you ;)

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