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Everything posted by tomturd

  1. Are you looking for new or second hand? 20" (small wheels) or 26" (mountain bike sized wheels..)? A good place to start is the for sale forum: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/3-for-sale/ . If any of those take your fancy you can always ask for advice on which one to choose in here
  2. Ben I think the point is that the facebook page seems a bit unprofessional because there's hardly any information there. I suggest you put some photos up on facebook, type up some stuff about what sets Birdy apart from someone doing it themselves (does he have access to specialist equipment? if he does put some pics up. Is the paint he uses better than the stuff in halfords?). Type up the process - as a customer what am I going to get for my money? Does he prep/strip the frame? How many coats? Where am I going to send my parts? How long does it take? Stuff like that, all needs to be up front
  3. Hey matt, welcome. Track stands are the way to go, you'd be surprised how much more is possible on a mountain bike too while you're waiting. The bike I learnt to back hop on was a 19" rockhopper
  4. urgh, my hands are actually sweating after watching that. feel a bit sick.
  5. Erm, I was when I was in the loft earlier... but it started before that. Oddly it seems to have gone away now, even though I'm feeling pretty shattered. Hopefully thats the end of it, next option would have been to cut an eye lid off.
  6. You probably saw this coming when you started this topic, the time has come. Use the Car thread, or start a 'my car' thread, or a 'what tyres' thread, anything just don't bung it all in here please, there are better places / options here If you want me to split the topic, or merge it with the car thread so you guys can continue then i'll be happy to do so - PM me.
  7. haha, its nearly done. havent done anything for 2 weeks, but spent that time in the pub instead - making the most of it while my gf works unsociable hours (no, i haven't put her on the game). although i am at this moment installing a flourescent strip light in the loft, i figure if i do that and I can actually see what I'm doing I might sort it out. Hmm, I have been drinking a lot of booze recently, maybe its too much yeast. or maybe it is indeed 2 weeks of bad sleep. maybe a combination. ITS DOING IT RIGHT NOW ARRRGH! I'll try that next
  8. Its a err.. grey area. We're all for helping new (honest) startups get started, but once some real money starts rolling in we'd like to see some of it to help pay for the site
  9. My eye lid won't stop popping/twitching. feels like theres a blood vessel occasionally pumping for a second, about every 10 minutes. Been doing it for 2 days now and its driving me insane. Anyone else get this and any tips to stop it?
  10. Hey Jimmy welcome to the forum. 1988 eh? I don't think most of the members here were born by then Would be pretty interesting to hear what trials was like in 88 compared to now if you ever have a few minutes spare to write down some memories! Those look like some nice bikes, sure you won't have much problem selling them here
  11. I am retardo, went from a link listing hope spares - thats my excuse anyway
  12. Is it one of these things? http://www.merlincycles.com/bike-shop/wheels/wheel-accessories/wheel-spares/shimano-6-bolt-rotor-to-centre-lock-hub-disc-adapter.html
  13. check out the for sale forum. You're probably better off going second hand for that budget, trials bikes depreciate quickly and £250 wont go far on a new full build. Should get something pretty decent second hand though
  14. Cripes, that is a lot of work even with mates helping... Getting the services installed will be a major hassle for a start, rendering (if you're doing that?) £2000, doors/windows: £1000, electrician: £2000, does it have drainage? roof £1000 inc mates help? Soon adds up... To me it sounds like you'll spend longer doing it up than you will doing stuff that could be making you money. if you do end up sorting it out then I'd make sure you sign a long lease for it (guarenteed for at least 10 years @ a max of £X per month or something) - you don't want to do it up and have the landlord rent it out to someone else. It does look like an interesting project though so if you do go for it make sure you post pics You Dads house looks awesome. I'd be pretty chuffed living somewhere like that.
  15. I'd try a wire brush first (hand driven, if its already flaking off). If that doesn't work maybe use nitromors, leave it for 30 mins then powerwash it off. Then stain it or use 'decking oil'. If you do repaint it make sure its proper floor paint.
  16. anyone know how long programmes on bbc 1 are delayed for?

  17. Check out his feedback, no new feedback since 2009. Probably a hijacked account, stay away! try something like this http://www.ebuyer.com/166652-western-digital-elements-320gb-portable-hard-drive-hi-speed-usb-retail-wdbaar3200abk-eesn
  18. It looks like it walked under the chocolate by itself.
  19. Sounds like you know what you're doing. If the guy is paying for materials and any specialist labour then seems like a decent offer, just be careful he doesn't expect you to work on it 24/7 for his free rent! Your parents house sounds pretty sweet, get some pics up Ha, someone is going to have a surprise when they open that back out. It was already screwed (You can tell that the fireplace had been removed totally at one point, then that crappy one you can see in the photos was put back in, then I came along and added another layer on top). What red tape have you come across? Was it your house that had the crack in it? Keeping motivated is probably the hardest thing, especially while working a full time job. I think I might have had about 6 weekends 'off' since I started, usually down to having to go to weddings or something. Not much advice you can give on staying motivated, it was a case of never stopping for me. If I stopped, I found it harder to start back up. Those slabs look awesome, good luck cutting them! How about just laying them a bit like they are, but with gravel between them? Might save a bit of time and look pretty smart too.
  20. Sorry to hear that and sorry that you had to witness it. RIP.
  21. The boiler in my old rental house used to vibrate. It was in the room under my room, turned out it was the cover vibrating against the unit - jammed a bit of paper in it. The pipes also used to bang as they heated up and cooled down, drove me insane, ended up doing this some old grips came in handy
  22. All good suggestions. There doesn't seem to be a way to stop members editing their own topic titles on a per forum basis which is a bit of a bummer. I'll update the forum rules to start getting people to put the members name in the topic title
  23. You'll probably be fine to strip it, fill it if needed (easi fill is good - get it from b&q next to the plaster) and paint on top. You basically 'plaster' easi fill onto the walls, but scrape the trowel against the wall so the filler only fills the holes and give it a sanding once its dry. If the walls are still a bit crappy then you can always wall paper over it with lining paper then paint ontop of that. Try painting it first though, wallpapering is a pain in the arse. Pass. My limits to heating systems are removing and putting radiators back on Maybe try bleeding the radiators and checking the pressue - apart from that I haven't got a clue. Suspect there must be a plumber on here who could help
  24. tomturd


    to stop it being bumped - 2 active biscuit threads is one too many ps: boring buscuits are becoming better the older i get, fig rolls get my vote. A good, honest biscuit
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