I suspect (not totally sure) that most of those applications go straight to job agencies? Ideally you want to get your applications to the employers yourself. When I applied for my job I posted my CV instead of emailing it - the boss asked why I did that during the interview and I told them I wanted to make sure it was read by the right person.
Do stuff like following up your application - if you haven't heard back for a week give them a call and ask if they recieved it. If you have an interview and you don't hear back, give them a call and ask if a decision has been made, and if you didn't get it ask how you could have interviewed better. Before an interview, research the company, research the job. If you don't know the answer to something, say you don't know and that you will find out. All of these little things add up and show you are proactive, so even if you're not ideally suited, at least you're willing to work with them. The people who put the extra effort in are the ones who are getting the jobs.
Sorry, got a bit OT there..
edit, just spotted this. this is the problem