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Everything posted by tomturd

  1. What do you think of those box/square junction things you have going on? Ever thought painting a spot in the middle of them and making roundabouts would be a better idea? :lol: (I know its not up to you but just want to know your thoughts on roundabouts really) Forget that, turns out you have them already - http://www.roundaboutsusa.com :lol: (atleast a couple anyway)
  2. Probably best asking someone who does psychology/sociology as thats about the limit of my knowledge/point of view :)
  3. Because they're racist. Not everyone feels the need to act that way. Staying out of this now as it feels like your not really taking in what im saying.. EDIT: by the way... that 'because they're racist' isnt to be taken that bluntly.. theres different levels of racism and you can pick holes down to the way you say hello, or the way you act around people of a different race, such a complex subject when you get down to the bottom of it, people are going to be racist until the human race is at the point where its just one race, and then we'll probably find other things to segregate people into different groups about.
  4. (that would be racism) Edit: this topic called 'racial hypersensitivity' - 'scuse me if im wrong but surely feeling the need to tone down your voice when you walk past a black guy is exactly that.
  5. Use any script font? Print it out full size then use a bit of string to make sure its under a metre before you start routing :)
  6. Think about it. If the guy walking past was white, would they have 'toned down'? No. Yet because he was black/coloured/whatever they felt the need to act differently. Quite pedantic, but yeah..
  7. Errr.. think you'll find that was you being racist.
  8. Check your PM in a min :)
  9. I retract my previous statement :lol:
  10. Just had a quick look and it seems that it'd be cheaper to get a new printer than a usb to serial converter.
  11. It just plays and plays... I dunno if it has to buffer, im guessing so though otherwise it wouldnt work (Y) plays smoothly and instantly on this connection (Y)
  12. If I were you Simon id go for the place you think is the best, with a course that fits just about in. If the place you go to is shit, no matter how good the course if you will have a shit time. If the place you go to is excellent, even if the course is a bit shit you will still have a good time :'(
  13. Auto-Mod For Sale/Wanted topics are no longer allowed in New Members Chat. If you wish to post a For Sale/Wanted topic on Trials-Forum you need to read and follow this - http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....ounce&f=13&id=3 Topic Closed.
  14. Auto-Mod For Sale/Wanted topics are no longer allowed in New Members Chat. If you wish to post a For Sale/Wanted topic on Trials-Forum you need to read and follow this - http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....ounce&f=13&id=3 Topic Closed.
  15. Yeah no problem i'll do it now... :'(
  16. Basically you type in an artist you like, it finds similar tracks then plays them to you. Pretty darn cool. http://www.pandora.com (Y)
  17. Surely you must know atleast one person who lives in a house? Id just go for dust sheets, tell the people next door that your about to do it and go for it, whats the worst that can happen? :P
  18. You cant, simple as. Get validated and you can sell stuff.
  19. tomturd

    Which O2 Mobile

    Whatever you get check http://shop.o2.co.uk/student and it might be cheaper on there :P
  20. Have you got a pic of what the car looked like before the crash? Hope everyones alright.
  21. The one on internetfrog is pretty much spot on for mine, infact a little over :P (by 0.3mbps)
  22. Apparently if they cut too close, the tip of the hair can go back inside your face, then when it tries to grow out, it misses the hole and grows under your skin. Some guy on another forum said his dad had this solid lump on his face for about a year, getting gradually bigger, then one day he attacked it with a needle and about 15" of coiled up hair came out. (Possibly a) True story. Anyway, another vote for mach 3.
  23. Auto-Mod For Sale/Wanted topics are no longer allowed in New Members Chat. If you wish to post a For Sale/Wanted topic on Trials-Forum you need to read and follow this - http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....ounce&f=13&id=3 Topic Closed.
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