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Everything posted by tomturd

  1. Thats better Anyway ill sort it out tomorrow or monday, busy boy this weekend and havent got time to read through all these posts (yet)
  2. Or you could just buy it from maplins http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?TabID=...46494&criteria= "IP over mains" in google brings up the desired goods.
  3. As Mark has already said, we have had reports asking for it to be closed. I'm not too fussed personally, as we all know loads of companies have been free to start up on here in the past. If you have problems please contact us directly rather than publically on the forum. That also applies to anyone else who wants to reply to this.
  4. Make sure you're still using the 'compact skin' - nothings changed today
  5. Thats what i'd go for. My mates dad made one back in the day (about 6 years ago) just like that and it worked fine. I prefer the block of wood and a hammer technique though, has anyone actually ever ruined a frame from using a block of wood and a hammer to fit a headset?
  6. Stick insects I was too much of a pansy to ever pick them up though.
  7. Seeing as dannys not online.. The compact one has a 'compact' forum listing on the home page. Go on it and change the skin and you will see
  8. Only been my homepage for a year or so now..
  9. Yes indeed. Looks a bit tidier to me Ta to danny for sitting there all day making the changes while I sat clicking refresh and going 'yep, that looks nice'
  10. I used my £1300 overdraft by the end of the first term of the first year, and it stayed there (apart from the once per term £1000 loans which brought me up to -£300). Did a year out in my third year, had to pay off the £1300 and it took waaaaaaaaaaaaaay longer than I expected. Not easy at all to pay off, so make sure you spend them wisely.. (I spent mine on general living.. nothing inparticular)
  11. Yep. but you wont need to do anything, they'll just change like magic
  12. Email on this server isnt working at the moment so registrations have been closed until its fixed.. :$
  13. Seems that looooads of people are still using trials-forum.co.uk to get to here. Although that works some of the time, occasionally it stops working (trials-forum.co.uk is still pointing at the old server, and then you get redirected here automatically - if the old server goes down, you wont get redirected). So until we point trials-forum.co.uk to this server, if you want to be able to get on TF even when the old server goes down, I reccomend you bookmark/add to favourites this address..
  14. Dunno what i'd go for. Whats your excess? What looks like a little bump can turn out very expensive... and paying the extra insurance premiums might work out cheaper..
  15. This is going downhill very rapidly.. normally takes twice as many replies to get to this level.
  16. http://g.msn.com/1csbeta/Mess80_EN Now available for everyone, and you dont need invites
  17. Can you withdraw the money into your bank account or do you have to gamble it?
  18. That was me playing around with topic ratings.. not sure if i can get rid of it now
  19. Eitherway if in a couple of days it still feels weird it'll go back to the old style. For those that dont like it (well known fact on TF that most people hate change) save your comments for a couple of days as until then they will be ignored
  20. No more bike pics thread, you can use the forum
  21. Read tutorials on the internet. Google is your friend. Theres no magic way of being able to create good logos, you just need practice.
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