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Everything posted by tomturd

  1. Have done, spotted the report - ta Welcome to the forum - post whereever you want now
  2. Can I remind you all porn aint allowed on here. Feel free to say 'search for monkey its 23 pages along' - but no direct linking to porn.
  3. 1st one on TF I think, yeah lol. But its part of daily life in reality My going rate is £1 for girls, 20p for boys (buy one get one free). (quotes ahoy) Cheers for the offer Phil, If I do do a raffle then I'll be in touch Id prefer not to have to.. you know.. work to raise money, if it comes to that then I'll have to but hopefully I'll be able to raise some money through getting sponsored - in return for some publicity for the companies that sponsor us. So far we have an ice cream van company who'll give us £50 or something, and my mates doing a gig which should bring in a fair bit. My mates have suggested a group skin head, but anyone who's met me will realise I'll look like a cancer victim if I got my head shaved, and I don't really want people feeling sorry for me and donating money 'cos they think I have cancer. I think it might also raise our chances of getting mugged by about 300%. A boxing match could be interesting. One of the people i'm going with is also a bit of a pansy, so all the more fun. I'll look into it
  4. 'Lo all, Some of you may know I'm going to be driving to Mongolia this summer (starting 22nd July from Hyde Park) on the Mongol Rally. As part of the deal my team needs to raise £1000 for charity. Theres 3 of us, so really I need to be looking at raising about £333 - ideally more like £500 though just in case my team mates don't manage to raise their 333 quids. The interesting bit is that everyone on the rally has to drive a car under 1000cc. Luckily for us we have a car sorted - my parents 23ish year old X reg 959cc (I think) Fiesta Mk1. And its beige. The money raised goes to Send A Cow and some Mongolian charity that hasnt been decided yet. When/if we get to Mongolia the car will be auctioned off, and the money raised from the auction also goes to charity. There are 200 cars going, so that should hopefully be more than £200,000 raised in total. My intial plan is to hold a raffle on TF. Bikedock owe me £80 and i'm more than happy to put that up as £50 vouchers for the first prize, £20 second prize, £10 third prize (or whatever). Hopefully I will be able to get some other trials/bike related companies to sponsor in some prizes as well - in return for a sticker on the car, lots of photo's of the car in various places between here and Mongolia, and some good publicity on the forum. The idea is to have a whole bunch of prizes, sell a whole bunch of tickets at 50p/£1/whatever each and have a whole bunch of people winning various prizes. All the money paid for tickets will have to go through justgiving.org - they will donate the money straight to charity. Um anyway yeah, thats my idea. Any thoughts on that? Any other suggestions on how I can raise some cash?
  5. Splash screens should DIE. Apart from that, looks good, looks fine on 1152 x 768, although would be nice if it was centered. Cheers for the linkage
  6. First follow the guidelines, including the one about links in your sig. Then get validated, then you will be able to upload pictures.
  7. What FTP client are you using? Are you using one? If not you need to use one.
  8. People have been killed crossing the road as well though, or driving their car - its a risk people take and they would be idiotic not to accept that theres a 1 in a million chance of something going wrong. I'd say the problem lies with education. My education pretty much consisted of 'drugs are bad and they will kill you'. We were never told what the physical and mental affects would be (except that you'd die), how long it'd last, if you are likely to get addicted in any way, how you'd feel the day after and most importantly what they actually are and the differences betwen them. Total LACK of education IMO.
  9. tomturd


    I voted no. Cos then TF will be better. J/k.. Bring it back! It was good to read the odd well written article on trials (unlike anything ever written on TF), even if they weren't that regular
  10. You could just cool a bit off under the tap and eat it though? It never actually worked that out for myself until I saw someone else doing it.. thought to myself 'thats so obvious, cant believe I never thought of it' :$
  11. That is by far the best way to know when its done. Eat it! Otherwise look on the packet. I'm a fan of 5 minute pasta. If you don't watch out you might pick up a pack that takes 20 minutes to cook.
  12. Lol. saw that coming. edit: and if anyones going to try and extract some inuendo out of that, too late - i've already thought about it
  13. Haha quality. I think rowly has pretty much covered the situation. This is a discussion forum, your free to talk about pretty much anything. Piracy topics are deleted from the forum 'cos this isnt a warez forum and I don't want any of the anti piracy groups after me. Dust Cap topics are locked, only after they've been discussed to death, and killing topics are left open - cos theres only ever been one, and it was pretty funny. You can even call me a COCK and you won't get a warning
  14. http://www.trycktill.com/eng/unlock_swe.asp will sort out the nokia. Other ones you will need to pay for a remote unlocking code (if theyre available - try ebay maybe) or take them to a phone stall in a market, or an independent phone shop.
  15. tomturd


    Nah you dont seem arrogant. Just saying lots of people I have met over the years (at school, festivals, parties, uni etc) who have had dreads came across as being a dick. Usually because they take on the 'listen to me I have dreads' attitude, saying that I know of 2 people with dreads, and theyre 'safe as f*ck'.
  16. tomturd


    The only people I have met with dreadlocks have been arrogant twats. There, i've said it. Actually, minus one guy.. infact 2.. EDIT: Most of the people I have met with dreadlocks have been arrogant twats. Thats better. Im not saying that you are.. just make sure you don't turn into one when you get them done
  17. Has anyone got a copy? I'd be happy to upload them. 1mb/sec up as well as down in uni now Only here for 4 more weeks though.
  18. Thats how they do do it though... my mate doing medicine at Cardiff started off working on dead bodies for 3 years and now she's working on live ones. She obviously had to go to uni/medicine college to do that though. You are right in that you have to practice to get good at something no matter what, but some/lots of professions require studying as well.
  19. You missed out William. Who has made 5 or 6 sites, shown progression and understanding of the market, worked in industry for a year, and has a degree under his belt. I'm planning on starting my own business of some sort - got a couple of ideas but nothing certain yet. My degree won't be used specifically for anything at all, and I doubt it will come in *that* handy for whatever I decide to do. It will however give me something to fall back on if my business fails. It shouldnt be hard to find a well paid job to live off for a couple of years before trying to start a business again. Plus the last 4 years have been pretty awesome - If I could go back and do it again, I would, without a doubt.
  20. When was that? MySQL wasnt working yesterday (or day before maybe?) for a short period of time (that probably means very little but explains why you saw the funny box). If it happens again can you take a screen shot? hopefully it wont happen again thought..
  21. Auto-Mod For Sale/Wanted topics are no longer allowed in New Members Chat. If you wish to post a For Sale/Wanted topic on Trials-Forum you need to read and follow this - http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....ounce&f=13&id=3 Topic Closed.
  22. Tartys Wheel Building/Measuring ERD Guide
  23. Another one.. 'Bumming' shops wont get you validated. It wont neccessarily decrease your chances of getting validated (unless you've not read the guideline about not putting links in your signature) but it certainly wont increase your chances. We're not directly affiliated with any shops that have banners on here.. nor are any of the shop owners in the position to validate members. That is all..
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