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Everything posted by tomturd

  1. As snappel said, brush it on (no need to use it sparingly if you have a litre of it), leave it for as long as possible really, 30 mins should easily do it, work it into the bubbled paint with the brush every now and then, use a wire brush to get any stubborn bits off. Cant go wrong really, except for getting it on your skin/in your eyes.
  2. tomturd


    Likewise with a Xbox 360... which, if anyone cares, has now been hacked so you can play backups. Might have to get one now.
  3. I guess you're supposed to buy the music in MP3 format. Its really 'wishy washy'. The copyright law says that only the copyright owner can copy their work (makes sense). But then theres 'fair use' stuff which for example lets you make backups. Eitherway its only 'primary infringement' if you do it yourself which doesnt look to be that bad - you're not going to be classed as a criminal in the eyes of the law. As for MP3s though, I dont think the UK has got that in their copyrights act yet - God knows.
  4. Theres a special clause for computer programs that you can make a copy for backup purposes. If youve heard that its legal to be in posession of a backup for 24 hours, after which you must destroy it.. if you dont own the origonal, thats bollocks (I say that cos one of the *ahem* 'backup' forums I'm a member of makes everyone put 'if you do not own the origonal you must destroy any disks bought within 24 hours' in their signature.. pisses me off 'cos they must think that suddenly makes piracy legal for 24 hours, when it doesnt make any difference at all)
  5. No, you own a licence to use the software, but the owner still retains the copyright..
  6. http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B...4067957-2251940 Its out of date now though, havent really kept up to date but there's a new range of them out.
  7. The copyright owner can: Copy the whatever it is Broadcast the whatever it is Adapt the whatever it is Show the whatever it is to the public And one other thing that I cant remember. If anyone does ANY of those things who is not the copyright owner, then its breaking copyright. Nothing will probably happen though, unless you knowingly do it 'in the course of business' - in which case its a criminal offence. The owning something for 24hours and destroying it if you dont own the origional is bollocks. Guess who did an exam on this stuff on wednesday... In short, what your doing is 'primary infringement' of copyright and even if someone does find out (unlikely to say the least), its not a criminal offence and not much will happen.
  8. Refurbished 4gb ipod mini's for £87 delivered if you can stretch that far. Direct from apple.. http://promo.euro.apple.com/promo/refurb/uk/?&store_type=biz
  9. tomturd


    Its the same as normal TV, but in a higher resolution. So images arent stretched as much on bigger screens. Saw some rediculous 60" or something silly HDTV in currys a while back playing an HD DVD. Looked amazing. More like a moving photograph than a normal TV image.
  10. Its here for £50 as well. http://bigpockets.co.uk/product.php?lang=&product_id=7657 Seems to get good reviews, I'd go for it. Manuels right about battery life though, if you want decent.. go for sony, mines 20gb and lasts for 40 hours.
  11. Have you told the police yet? If not I'd do that first. Then I'd read about the bike lockers, if your uni claims theyre 'secure', get a lawyer involved and see if you can sue them.
  12. Does the whole wheel stop moving? Or just the cassette? If its the whole wheel you might have snapped the axel or cracked some bearings or something, take it off and have a look! If its the freehub (the bit the cassette is attached to) then I doubt thats fixable.. time for a new wheel.
  13. 'Word'. Can say the same for a lot of the older bands that are still around now.
  14. Fake.. theyre taking their 'genuine' news items from yahoo or other places, and all the rest is fake. Seen these kinda things before.
  15. Try a search for 'lighter bike' - just found 3 useful topics
  16. I'd go for this option.. made an adaptor for my DT A-level project (was pretty shit though, would have snapped in no time). Someone else on the forum has made a simpler/stronger looking one, saw it in a photo on here somewhere but wouldnt know what to start searching for.. I'm guessing IOLO or todge or someone could make one for you for less than the price of getting one welded on.
  17. Dont like them personally, but I guess you'd do it by opening the photo, set the background colour as black, then go to image: canvas size - increase the canvas size by a few pixels on each side.
  18. Password PM'd.. up to you how much you want to upload, space is pretty much unlimited on here
  19. The uploader on TF is simple as you can get. I'll PM you the password for it now.. Just select the file from your computer and click 'upload'
  20. You need to select all the files and folders (CTRL+A) and then click the big 'Extract To' button. Extract them to a folder, go to that folder, then run the setup from there. If that fails (good chance it will fail).. post again..
  21. Are you using daemon/some drive emulator to install it? If you're just extracting all the files from the ISO (looks like your doing it directly from winRAR or something) - then its reccomended you install a drive emulator instead. Or atleast extract the files from the ISO first, to somewhere on your computer, before running the setup - even then it might not work.
  22. Yeah I guess they would use Illustrator or some other vector based package. Eitherway this guy is using paint by the looks of its not like it matters.
  23. q) Why did the baker have smelly hands? a) He needed a poo. ----------------------------------------------- My own: (*clears throat*) q) What do you call an egyptian mummy with road rage? a) Tootin Ma Horn ----------------------------------------------- This one really needs to be done in person.. but what the hell. q) What did Cinderella say when she got to the ball? a) *gargling noises*
  24. Ive also watched someone drunkedly run into the kitchen, swing on the pull up bar we had going across the top of the door frame in an attempt to touch his feet on the ceiling, and the bar coming out. Resulted in him smacking the back of his head, head first into a tiled floor - but he didnt die. Was incredibly funny though. Needless to say though, thats no excuse not to wear a helmet!
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