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Everything posted by tomturd

  1. Cool, no problem Good luck with the MOT, the fiesta cost £160 in the end. £160 worth of rust. What mark said.. 'hits' means the total number of images, pages, scripts, you name it, downloaded from the server. Bandwidth is the total amount of data downloaded from the server in a day.
  2. The stats have come to a nice level, and were about to have our 5000th genuine member. Following are pretty accurate daily averages: Unique Visitors: 10,000 Page Views: 100,000 Hits: 7,000,000 Posts: 900 Bandwidth (gb): 2.5 Well there you have it, thought some of you may find it interesting Really need to work out a TF birthday
  3. tomturd

    Mattew Cooper

    Err.. whats the problem? A blacklisted trader messed you about, as should be expected, you have your helmet back and your sending the 4 bolt mounts back to whoever gave them to you. Either way sort it out amongst yourselves.
  4. No problemo, you've got quite a while Getting slightly worried we wont raise enough, but remaining hopeful. Just got some more photos of our chariot, this is the beast ive been driving around in for the past 3 years. [attachmentid=5662] [attachmentid=5660] The classic 'open all 3 doors' shot, as well as a glimpse of the interior. Note: gold coloured carpet bits, cheap seat covers to stop the fake plastic leather burning you, £1.99 lidl quad colour steering wheel cover, metal sports gear knob and the AM/LW mono (not quite a stereo). All the mod cons for our 8000 mile trip. [attachmentid=5661] [attachmentid=5663] I'll be sad to see it go, but atleast it will have a new lease of life out in Mongolia
  5. As some of you may know, TF is holding a raffle.. theres over 20 prizes so far and its open to New Members! Click here for the full thread Reply in here if you have any questions
  6. http://www.soundspectrum.com/g-force/ Ive always liked G-Force. Shame that its covered in adverts telling you to buy it nowadays though, it used to be free.
  7. Or when you think 'ctrl z' when something goes wrong.. luckily stopped doing that so much now.
  8. True that no MBR = no working computer, but the partition could be spread all over the place physically on the disk. Just because windows/partition magic displays it like that the blocks assigned to that partition could well be scattered inbetween blocks assigned to other partitions. If it was me i'd go for it, but obviously make a backup first.. Oops.. totally forgot about the first post. I think ive tried that change drive letter stuff before, but it said something like 'cannot change drive letter of boot disk' or something. You might have some luck in removing the drives and making sure the one you want to be C: is the master, but it may require reinstalling windows before windows picks up on it. I'm currently having a nightmare with my drive letters, my hard drives are something like C D F and H, with dvd writers and 'virtual' drives mixed in the middle not worth the effort of fixing though.
  9. quote from my local dodgy forum.. talking about unlocking auctions for the 6680 on ebay.. Along with a load of other topics on it, the answer is no.
  10. tomturd


    Yeah you need winRAR - http://www.rarlab.com/rar/wrar36b5.exe
  11. tomturd


    http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/other/cv_stuff.rar ^^ free CV and cover letters examples and stuff, should come in handy
  12. CDex is what I used to use. Windows Media player does it as well, with the right settings.
  13. You could just get a baton... aka devil stick (but without the sticks), would be pretty cool. To be honest, anyone with a camera with a delayed exposure thingy-majig camera can look cool with something burns and swings around Saw a guy in glastonbury last year who was absolutly amazing with a staff (not a firery one as far as my blurred memory can recall). Ive seen people who are good at staff... but this guy was literally about 100 times better, you'd have to see it to believe it. He went on for about 10 minutes, the longest time i've ever gone without blinking. </random comment>
  14. Um... This is gonna sound crap One time quite a few years ago, when I was into riding over empty coke cans with my front tire to make the bike sound like a motorbike.. I came across a pepsi can, on the side of a road miles away from anywhere, went to ride over it, but it didnt crush. So, thinking it was full, I stopped and picked it up. It felt empty, well.. it was empty, but the top of it was still sealed and the bottom of it was convexed (grammar?) rather than concaved. After being confused for about 10 seconds looking at it, it started hissing, so I threw it on the floor, shat myself and rode away. Looking back its pretty obvious it was just a freak can of pepsi that had been pressurised and sealed with nothing in it, no idea what it was doing in the middle of nowhere though. Erm, well it was wierd at the time
  15. Nope.. try attaching them direct on the forum. Theres some with me and fire poi in my gallery I think.. from ages ago when I wasnt too good. Haven't done it for a while since one wrapped around my arm
  16. Thats excellent, never really noticed it before. Mines an MSN duck - inverted.
  17. Auto Mod Please use the Best Of The Internet for topics like this.
  18. Dum de dum... yep, you predicted correctly.. you can post all these constructive comments in there
  19. Nah dont worry about it, i'll cover the paypal costs
  20. Haha, I would do.. if It had a cigarette lighter We're only raising the £1000 for charity, the cost of the rest of the trip (ie car: £210 for the MOT + cost of installing a cigarette lighter, headlamp things, Visas: £281 each, flights: £60 each so far but thats only mongolia to beijing - gonna cost a whole lot more to get home from there, petrol: 7000 miles worth, accomodation, food etc) we're paying for ourselves. Its unfair to ask people to donate towards anything which isnt going directly to charity, so we're not! Tickets you can buy now.
  21. Try using the google site search here, it doesnt limit number of letters
  22. Google Site Search <br /> <br /> <div class="borderwrap" style="width: 371px"> <form method="get" action="http://www.google.co.uk/custom" target="_top"> <table border="0" width="500px" bgcolor="#ffffff"> <tr> <td nowrap="nowrap"> <input type="hidden" name="domains" value="www.trials-forum.co.uk"></input> <input type="text" name="q" size="31" maxlength="255" value=""></input> <input type="submit" name="sa" value="Google Search"></input> </td> <tr> <td> <input type="radio" name="sitesearch" value="" checked="checked"></input> Web <input type="radio" name="sitesearch" value="www.trials-forum.co.uk"></input> www.trials-forum.co.uk </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="client" value="pub-7789002650974453"></input> <input type="hidden" name="forid" value="1"></input> <input type="hidden" name="ie" value="ISO-8859-1"></input> <input type="hidden" name="oe" value="ISO-8859-1"></input> <input type="hidden" name="cof" value="GALT:#008000;GL:1;DIV:#336699;VLC:663399;AH:center;BGC:FFFFFF;LBGC:336699;ALC:0000FF;LC:0000FF;T:000000;GFNT:0000FF;GIMP:0000FF;FORID:1;"></input> <input type="hidden" name="hl" value="en"></input> </form> </div> <br /> <br /> (didnt really know where to put it so its here..)
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