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Everything posted by Mtchell

  1. Yer i,m going to give this a try this afternoon see if it works
  2. Oh right i see what your saying now mate well ill give that try before i go buying one ill report back
  3. No its a Tab one Viz 72 freewheel don,t know weather its worth hassle now :/ Yer its snapped right near the top of the crank , only the curved bit left sounds like a night mare may well just buy a second hand one for time being
  4. Hi As title says managed to snap a tensile crank and the freewheel is on there still i just want to know is it going to be possible to remove the freewheel with out the leverage of the crank arm ? any advice would be appreciated cheers
  5. building a ride and im away again yyyhhhhh

  6. Mtchell

    Mod And Stock Garden

    nice riding shame its in same spot , be nice to see you ride street :)
  7. I have loads, don't ride no more so can send you some if you want man
  8. nicce Wanna buy my bike, cba with it no more lol and its C U Next Tuesday dan lmao
  9. Asif this frame is still going ,lol remeber when i owned this one lol Nice frmae it is
  10. Thats what I don,t want lol, Look a right Tw@ so intermdiate is my best bet to start with, Cool cheers PS is there any video about so i can see how good i have to be ? Searched youtube couldnt find much
  11. Hi Alately I,ve been thinking of taking part in the trials competions, but i,m not sure what class and and where to start really. I,m 22 and been riding a year and half or so, I don,t want to be entering a competion class which is too hard or easy, or being a major age gap. Any advice would be great Thanks
  12. Good lil video mate, Put helmet on though
  13. Mtchell

    Up To Front

    Heres a link, this helped me out alot. Pay attention to where the shoudlers of the rider are, I find if your shoulders are in line/in front of your bars to helps
  14. oh I heard about this didn,t think it would be this bad...look nasty
  15. Hey Up Right at the moment I ride a long Python 07 (mod) , but i,m looking to get one of the new style frames, But I,m struggle to find something which will suit me. I was looking at a neon Bow, but I can,t find anyone selling one new or used and I,m slighty worried it won,t be strong enough for street riding ? If anyone has had one these frames, and has abit of a review of one that would be great. And secondly if anyones thinks different frame would be better, let me know totally lost on what to go for. Thanks
  16. Mate had one yesterday was funny Girl1# - Nice Bike My mate# - Ta Girl2# - Nice Helmet My mate# - Ta Girl3# - I hope you fall off My Mate# - ........ Lol
  17. Yer man kwl, let me know and ill pm u my number
  18. Yer i see, lol , and yer black or white plastics one i,d go for gusset pinheads they have replacable pins same as slim jims
  19. Yer looking to swap them shortly, what you mean running as in pedal wise? if so PCP Eastern Pedals lol
  20. Mtchell

    New Hs33 Brake

    Not keen on that lever at all, Is it being tested? EDIT; as in a rider using it lol
  21. Cool man well were on a orange/silver echo and grey and white python See you there man
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