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Everything posted by Mtchell

  1. Hi i know this isnt helping the guy at the top but its about the same subject i have a tbird 04 just started riding say month ago ,damaged a sprocket tooth ,it has 24 teeth well 23 and half at moment but could i say, get a 22 or 20 with no problems or would i have to change something else aswell? ANY advice would be great
  2. yeryer stop bigging you sen up mate ,lol nah your right big up your self lol
  3. Bosk- Cool man we should deffo link up some time we could make it over to H.U,D in van so its you when ever your free next mate
  4. DONE nice 1 mate ,rebled worked well till i went flying off the thing and ive gone and snapped the lever connection pin which pushes the lever piston down BUT my faithful riding partner has managed to find me a new lever in the loft woop woop Thanks for your time and help !!1
  5. yer mate that is a well nice rig i swear i did spot you have a modded headset in pink how would i change mine and internal or external i have a onza t-bird 04 lol
  6. oright mate do you know of any good spots in bfd

  7. is keighley gud to ride mate just me and my mate are from BFD

  8. Mtchell


    i like this rider makes his line so smooth
  9. 24 nyc 1 its is lol, yeryer your rite is when i apply pressure of the down peddalling motion it just grinds -NASTY the crank has a fair bit of play in it too?? Cheersmate ill tighten the bolts and see if that makes a difference and upgrading crank well i could sretch to about 75 max what would you advise and from where ??
  10. ESKI- Thanks for the tip about the teeth countin n that i get what your sayin a chainring?? whats that is that for the crank ???lol sory for pecking at yot good i takeour head like when pedal its like the bearings are grinding not good i take it thats the model its big so, u see mate lol
  11. i have a onza tbird o4 - just want to know what sprocket (as ive bent a tooth and now its throwing the chain off) i should get and how many teeth ?????? and if i buy a crank will get new barings with it or do i have to buy them seprate???
  12. Hi mate im a painter and dec/spray techicain , i did mine recently this is what i did Stripped the frame down Sanded all the paint and any undercoat that is on the frame the sanded with a wet and dry pad not hard though this s jus to remove paint dust and sh!t next get tack rag and wipe the whole frame ths will remove all the dirt and grime and what not next find a inclosed enviroment (so wind doesn't dust and so on,on to the wet paint) then get a oxidised metal primer and spray the frame leaving 15mins between each coat and giving a light sand with your wety and dry pad when your have built up the primer leave the paint to cure for 24-48hrs next choose the paint you want and repeat the method again with the chosen paint, finally when you apply the last coat 15mins after apply the lacquer be careful as this makes the paint very soft and sticky apply up to 3 coats of lacquer and allow to cure for 7days before any out work is carried out (lacquer is for a shiny finish but also harden the paint agaist chips and scratchs) i know this sounds like a long process but believe me spraying takes time for the best finish, REMEMBER - Build the coats up dont try it on all at once otherwise this will cause runs, and the so called orange peel effect which is not a good look, hope this helps
  13. yerp ive got anew olive but when i place it on the hose and reconnect it bleed it and set it back up ,under the pressure it pops back off again, its driving m insane , i got the olives with a magura brake service/bleed kit from tartybikes the olives seem slighty bigger than the 1 which was on the hose to start with ive read on google something about crimping???
  14. Pacience is thekey mate am new to all this and i was like that at first but now im getting there but i just kept cool and stated with small now moving to bigger things Dont go to big to soon or youll damage your bike or even yourself
  15. My hose to the front bake lever has come away how do i refit it securly There HS33
  16. Am new to trials went to leeds today gr8 put bike bak in van headed home got back the hose to the front brake lever has decided to disconect its self i have the tools to fix it but i have no idea what im doing i can see the concept but it jus pop back out when bled and the lever is pulled HELLLLLLP PLEASE
  17. BOSK- yer mate n and ma mate are the same reeli hes alot better than me like, but yer we cud link up add me bfdmcm@hotmail.co.uk wat u rideing , were on tbirds ,
  18. GBABY- well have gotta get her GHD's,phone, n digi cam that soon tallys up Lol, Davey - orange it looks Sh!t in pic because of lighting LOL, jus my starter bike , can bash it up with out worring to much , chipped a tooth of freewheel n it clunking now though lol gutted
  19. well cheers, good news is she said ok after seeing the pricez bad news she wants alot more lol
  20. soundz gud2 me m8 me n ma m8 only bin it a wile though so wer nt propa gud.wakeys gud trust bin before huddas ant bin yet though.al add you msn asap
  21. Hey up Bradford rider here me and my mate looking for new spots to ride and new riders
  22. I'd say get it mate sounds a deal and half ,350 would sound nicer though, but still at 400 its a good deal
  23. R u bin serious m8 ? = Are you being serious mate ? lol = laugh out loud (just in case your not sure)
  24. Its ok m8 ma riding m8 says it a gay colour but wants his eletric blu lol, so far its hve - New Bleed Gusset grips Echo bar ends(not in pic) new creepy crawlers(not in pic) new koxx modded bash plate(not in pic) V!z orange Pads i wanna get new bars n stem - and the rims all blak blak spokes jus to learn on only bin ait 2weeks lol, 4 Christmas ask ma gal for gu st frame n foks lol post pic of you bike m8 n spec
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