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Everything posted by Mtchell

  1. Answers No, As we trials riders drop great hieghts we need a strong wheels , yes? Yes, So a wheel which is well built is fine, But a rim with holes creates a rib effect has well improved structural characteristics in terms of damage tolerance, And lighter which in our sport is needed.
  2. As people have said mate maguras are weak!! I,ve not blown any pipes yet , but have snapped 2 levers and 2 leaked , I,ve replaced them now and seem to running ok , Echo's do look smarter ,But i,ve never used them as of yet, Maguras are a well established brake making company thats the reason why i,m sticking with them, Like many questions on T.F its down to your own preference....
  3. Yer true suppose you have a point , maybe its not worth it
  4. I still ride in the wet but, it would be nice to have a another set of wheels set up with a goodset of wet tyres on
  5. Am getting 1 for christmas so they better be good lol
  6. yh man they arrived yesterday calas ordering czar tomorrow

  7. Nice video mate I,ll soon be joining the Czar riders with my very own czar come on santa hurry your arse ,lol
  8. come on mate wasn,t that high i had to do it first to prove it wasn,t that dangerous you girl lol
  9. Lol thats rich coming from you mate your so fragile mummys says take your lights and a helmet and 1 for your dark friend lmao you out tomoz guy?
  10. Yer Mekis right mate Balance FIRST i skipped that and got no where lol, But i,d say balance which leads to truckstand then move to back hop and the pedal kick and so on , i,ve learned when you learn some thing new it opens then next door Also watch other riders and what they do with there body weight i do this a lot and learn from it , Just try and you,ll find it can be done
  11. True ....but like said before though, pedal kicking the tyres DO have trouble gripping thats how i hit my chest and i,ve torn my wrist ligaments (<sorry about spelling) So i am manned up but the equipment is lettin me down if you get me ,
  12. Oh baby i would never rob u lmao,

    so what u sayin r u riding tomoz uv confused me now lol ,just finished work am fukd haha,

    let me no init ha

  13. i love the danger element lol, nahhh (i am running a new set of boots though maxxis creepys) i think ill go and get a grind then see if its improves and ill try avoid the slippy bits lol
  14. Don,t your tyres slip though , i have smashed my chest few times because my tyres have slipped I run no grind,tarred with echo pads (got them when i didn,t know a thing about trials lol) So your saying minons wouldn,t slip ?
  15. Nice 1 mate Like said before don,t go getting loads of kit and watch the videos And don,t forget trashzen.com thats always a help Once more , keep at it when i first started i bit unsure what i got my self in to but i love it now so just keep at it M-
  16. Why isn't there no tyres made for the for trials My mate did make a point theres no market for it but i reckon theres 1000's of us wanting to ride in the wet but know it's quite dangerous BUT....if we had the correct tyres we could so why not ???? Maxxis make wet tyres for MTB's so why not US
  17. He, a messer mate ,am working satuay but weths ok wana ride sunday

  18. I wear trackys and berghaus on so (But i work full time and never touched the dole lol ) but am on lankyri's side, them Mo'fo's who drink all day then start there the ones to watch out for,They,ll stamp on your face for fun of it Effing louts they are , the better ones are then ones that are pissed and like "wow mate do that again" lol
  19. I can,t do it now, too tired its affecting my riding lol
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