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Everything posted by Mtchell

  1. Mtchell


    Just to let you know leon has made contact with me after falling ill (must of had plague) last week he assures me that the wheel will be posted this week ?
  2. cool mate take my number and text me when your out 07902984788 nice one . Paul

  3. Mtchell


    right cheers everyone for your advice i just going to contact his local station tonight after work
  4. Transparent was my idea too would look so good lol, Would be wicked if some could find a store or materail supplier that sold coloured piping I,ve looked every where any one else any luck?
  5. Mtchell


    any one heard from this guy leon yet
  6. Mtchell


    Still no reply , But i have spoke to my girlfriends father who runs his own business quite a large one, and he's spoken to his mate/legal adviser and has been told that i am able to involve the police as this is classed as theft as he's agreed to sell an item taken the money but not sent an item . This is my last resort i,m not working for MY money so some theiving tw@t can take it If anyone knows or lives near the lad just let him know i,m involving the police if he does not reply.
  7. Great stuff man , wouldn't let you on my bike though lol
  8. Mtchell


    What a Tw@t looks like he's ripped people off before why don't people put bad feedback on his name so we know hes a joker
  9. Mtchell


    True ...well its cadburys cream egg his feedback seems good though
  10. Mtchell


    I recently bought a wheel from a guy on TF I won't metion his name as of yet , I sent a postal cheque for £45 specail delivery so its recorded i,ve track the order and it has been cashed so he has cashed the cheque yet hasn't sent the wheel where should i go from here ??? Well P!ssed off now
  11. Mtchell


    I recently bought a wheel from a guy on TF I won't metion his name as of yet , I sent a postal cheque for £45 specail delivery so its recorded i,ve track the order and it has been cashed so he has cashed the cheque yet hasn't sent the wheel where should i go from here ???
  12. you can cut carbon fibre with a specail carbon fibre saw , But like many have said pointless really
  13. Pulling up tucking up and i find if i twist my hips i can throw the back wheel out to get further.
  14. Tpa bodge looks better than the big red star, be perfect if it was allen key head lol
  15. And he's slates me for wearing a potty .......ladys hhhmmmmm yer cocky am i for sure that your gay .lol
  16. Top Notch mate keep at it mate
  17. yer defanetily mate you going to have this wheel for me by then or you pulling my leg lol

  18. I,ve not been at trials long but this topic shows me how much it has progressed over the pass few years some of these bikes look really heavy and hard to ride but i guess thats because i,m not a vetran rider Good topic
  19. Its quite nice them tyres look quite goood might end up getting some of them for summer
  20. Spot on is that bike mate big leap t-bird to gu aswell nice move though.
  21. Great topic . Tar Allen keys Adjustable spanner Try all tin with nuts and bolts punture kit Lighter ( Don't know why) pads Monster Drink That seems to get me through
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