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Everything posted by Mtchell

  1. Well if your ever out and about riding let me know ill pop by 👍
  2. Leeds/hull/east coast I travel abit due to work use to ride leeds alot with a rather large group back in day but guess everyone has pack it in
  3. Like your self im looking for local riders as just getting back into it Not sure if im past it as im of a similar age 🤣
  4. Getting back in to riding come from the era of CLS, watson etc wondered if anyone local to Yorkshire still rides , or knows of any decent spots to ride in said area
  5. fearless and skilled great vid
  6. Hi, I,m looking to return to trials after a few years out i have not kept up with the lastest kit nor the geo of the new bikes so just looking for abit of advice really on what to avoid and what to move towards, are 20's still rid by anyone anymore or has everyone move up 26's/24's , thanks
  7. Mtchell


    I like to change a chain every 2-3 month depending on the amount of riding, I had a snapper in hull on a drop , my right knee took a smashing on the stem....your knees are worth 30 bob every few month
  8. Thats was pretty dam good , to me it felt you caught the riding and the fun of ridig great video !!!
  9. Mtchell

    Mr Zebra

    Love your style and skills , great little video there!!!
  10. Mtchell

    Koxx Snappage

    I don't know who this is but found it on youtube
  11. Mtchell

    Paul Mitchell

    skillerex going in for the kill (remix)
  12. Mtchell

    Paul Mitchell

    Hey, heres my little video tried getting back into it and just can't seem to get going again so you know...... A friend of mine edited it for me hope you enjoy it as much as we did getting all togeather P.s sorry about hd and none hd had to buy a new camera half way through.... Thanks
  13. Looks pretty interesting and the soundtrack was pretty dam good abit too similar too 1xtra though but none the less looks worth. Watch
  14. There emus lol , little un wanted them
  15. lol, but would any changes help to a bike apart from ovbs such as double discs? example a higher stem ?
  16. looks pretty good mate i started with some thing similar now made loads of bits , would bracing the sides of the pallets make it even tougher or is it solid as it is?
  17. seems theres alot of different opions here, i,m not going to not go to the gym as i feel more strength is going to help eiether way. riding yes is the most important which sits at the top of my list, cardio ? ?? i understand jogging is different to trials but surely raising fitness through other ways other than riding has got to help ?? Theres so much info though thanks
  18. Oks bud will do cheers ill post if i have any more questions Thanks been a great help
  19. ITISAFOX >> oh mate i never even thought of doing that we have filey brigg her which a good half of a mile of pure natty so ill setup some sections when it drys up cheers Azatheral>> ive prevouisly done the compund training as ive been going to gym for 12 months now so ill focus on the areas you mention and are you sure i should drop the cardio and focus on the lifting ? Ali c >> yes im going to try ride more but natty to challenge myself Thanks everyone got some sense of direction now
  20. So recently i,ve found my self hopping about on my bike thinking whats the point :-/ Dont get me wrong i love riding and probably the best thing i,ve done for myself. But i need some sort of goal so ive decided to enter comps as from next year. But i need to raise my fitness levels, lose the fat and become stronger ( in a way become an athelete). I,ve quit smoking, began jogging and hit the gym 5 times a week. I jus need some advice on what i should be training in the gym to aim my riding, and how far should i be running. Should i be jogging every day as well as the gym ? Also should i start riding more natty to prepare for comps ? . Any advice or tips/routines would really help as i feel theres no order or even benefit to the way im training at the moment Thanks P.s sorry if its a little long winded
  21. That was brilliant , style and skills editing was cool too
  22. while your on the subject of knees i snapped my chain today and proper cracked my knee on the stem it has hurt all day, i cant walk, straighten it or bend it for that fact, the stiller it is the better, is it possible i,ve fractured it. I broken my hands and hip before but they are nothing compared to this. any advice would be a great help cheers
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