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Everything posted by trialsmax04

  1. you could be right muel. I dont know why i said it was an 06. There was a monty back along in the forsale section on here, and the guy had it up as an 05. But someone commented saying the 05's had disc mounts on. Mine has the disk mounts so im presuming its 05 onwards. Probly not 07 though lol max
  2. 07 Beta 125. Beta are the only way to go!
  3. Its a Monty 221ti im thinking its 06 or 07. cheers for the help guys. max
  4. Completly off topic i know, but i used to live in Barton-on-Sea. Near New milton. My gran and mate live up there, we should go for a ride sometime. max
  5. Cheers man! Like i said, im going to defonatly come down some time soon. Just possibly not in the next 3 or so weeks because of my exams and some pretty big moto-trials (nell and ron higgins national) cheers for all the help max
  6. I think thats the way im going to go muel. In the summer im going to try and get down to plymouth for a ride with the guys down there. Hopefully someone will let me try one out. Id like to get down ther sooner really, but ive got my exams coming up and i just cant spare the time. max
  7. WOW! Thas sounds cool. Maybe its just my frame that im uncomfortable on. As my mate has a t-bird and that felt more natural to ride. max
  8. Hi, Im starting to feel a bit uncomfortable on my monty 221ti. Ive come to the point where i can not get any better. Im 16, and im 5' 11. I weigh 13 stone and when i ride my 26 inch mountain bike, i can hop higher than on my monty. Any one had the same experiance with a mod? Would a stock be a better option? max
  9. Yea fair points made there. My rear creepy is knackerd any way so there isnt much weight there. I think i will take a miss with the drilling for now, i think there is weight to be saved elsewhere. I rode with my friend last friday, and he rides a onza T-Bird. When i rode his bike there seems to be a massive differnce in weight. His being lighter . I think it could be the beefy forks on mine that are weighing it down. My front brake isnt light either. Any tips to shave weight off fellas? max
  10. Hi folks, Im interested in drilling the sidewalls on my front wheel to try and save a bit of weight. Its a Try All rim. Has anyone done this? Is it easy or hard to do? Is it worth doing to try and save weight? max
  11. Hey fellas, just wanted to see if any one would be willing to ride with a coupple of noobs some time in plymouth or dart moor? Me and my mate are pretty shite, but when ever we go out to practice in the local towns, we just get moaned at. Im just thinking if we rode with a coupple of decent lads, might be able to pick up a few things. max
  12. I think things like this have been done before, but oh well. What bike do you ride? Monty 221ti How long you been doing trials? Bowt 6 months What is your biggest flat to flat? like 2 foot What is your biggest sidehop? about 24inches What is your biggest drop? 3 foot natty or street? probly street but as i advance i want to get into natural. Where is your favourite place to ride?Anywhere that people dont moan! Max
  13. Its one of those things that is really hard to explain. Im not going to attempt to explain as i will make a hash of it, but there is a good section in the wiki.
  14. Yea i literally just started doing proper drops tonight. Its just a matter of getting the balls to do it. Im always worried about dropping the front end too much and face planting. But i did a 2ft 6 drop tonight and im happy with that for now .
  15. Yea you are right. Just wonted to know some other peoples experiances on the matter. max
  16. Im seriously thinking about doing a paint job on my monty. Not 100% about the colours yes but possibly pure white with black handwritten graphics (Monty). My dad used to be a painter (cars) but he sold all his old gear. If i striped and rubbed down the frame, ech primed it, and then areosol and then laquered it would this hold okay? Any one else done simalar? Any specific colours that work? max
  17. Cheers. If all else fails i will do. Ive bought a knackerd lever body from Dauncy to dig the seals out of that one.
  18. I never meant that every one is left foot fowards. Just seamed to be the majority. I cant even back hop with my left foot fowards, its just so un natural.
  19. Hi, I really must be an abnormal rider because when i sidehop i always side hop to the right. I just cannot go to the left. In most videos, the riders are left foot foward. However i can only ride with my right foot foward. When i try with my left i just fall off :$. Is there a certain technique to hopping to the left? max
  20. Hi, Ive found the dodgy o-ring inside my 04 magura lever body. I have a huge box of 0-rings here but every one is differnt . Where can i get a new 'proper' O-ring? max
  21. Keep an eye out for other second hand bikes. My monty 221ti was 175 quid when i got it. Granted its a bit batterd and bruised, and i have given it some tlc..... But it still would only stand me at about £200 for the 6 months ive had it.
  22. Cheers alex... I will have a go on monday, as im trialing tomorow on the beta. Id really quite like a newer 05 style lever. Im going to post in the wanted section now. cheers max
  23. Now that is guting!!! I got the bike second hand so i have no reciepts.....
  24. Hi, I cannot get the piston out. Ive used a compressor on the hose fitting and it just wont fully pop out. Im not botherd if i get an 05 or 04 lever, im just skint at the moment. Max
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