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Everything posted by trialsmax04

  1. hi all, i broke my monty snail cams a while ago, and need new ones. But ive been running them on the outside of my monty 221ti frame. I want to fit them to the inside but there is no room as the axel is too big. Is it just a case of tacking a few mm of each side of the axel? max
  2. Yes. Bleed from the top down on the hope, gives it a nice feel when done properly.....
  3. Its pretty much summed it up for me then chears guys Ive also heard the trialtechs are identical to the old zoo! bars. So looks like its going to be them
  4. compression bolt on what?
  5. It does help thanks(Y). My stem isnt really high rise so the tryalls may be better
  6. trialsmax04


    right, as i really cant find any bars second hand, it looks like ive conned my girlfriend into getting me some from tarty for christmas. Now ive been looking at the trialtechs, tryall rage, viz pro 720 and the monty team whites. Basiclly what are peoples opinions on the VIZ!, try all rage and monty bars? Ive heard lots of good feedback on the trialtechs and montys but nothing on the viz! or tryall. anyone tried them? max
  7. I would, and i will laquer mine when it gets sprayd. max
  8. I will follow this closely as im going to be spraying mine sooooon! Have you faded the paint into the head tube? Looks cool. How hard was it to do? max
  9. feck. Um the best thing i can think of is if you have a compressor, blow it out.
  10. undo the hose. Push it out with a 2mm allen key. Lube it up, away you go
  11. ryan that makes no sence. If the bleed bolts are out the piston wont move?
  12. +1 my front hope is ridiculus. Its just soo powerfull with mental bite. Disk all the way
  13. Its personal prefrence really. Im not keen on a front rim break. It just has no modulation. I use a hope mono trial and i find it amazing. But if you go for a hope just get one second hand on here.
  14. well it looks like if i buy new it will be the trialtechs. Just out of intrest, are the black monty bars exactly the same as the white ones? as in are the bends the same? max
  15. arnt they a lot less rise though?
  16. I wont be as there is a devonport trial at clearbrook. Dark and his crew may be out. Ask rainbird too. max
  17. I dont think it works quite like that. But the trialtech's should be fine mate:)
  18. yea its got to be montys, just need to find some:(
  19. Chears liam. I would dearly love some monty bars, but i cant find any. Unless you want to sell?
  20. i really dont think its worth that.
  21. cheers duncy. i will keep looking as upsweep is one of the main things i was after. max
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