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Everything posted by trialsmax04

  1. I do love you muel I started on an yamaha ty250 mono (same as muels) and soon found its limit. Then a montesa 315r. Now i canot recomend this or a beta techno enough. There brilliant bikes for beginers and cheep spares on ebay too. The montesa/honda engine will NEVER go wrong.
  2. Not too shabby at all. Some riser bars and possibly some echo cranks or something at that would be a beast.
  3. Sorry, only finished transfering the vid from alex at 12.30 last night.
  4. Plymouth chrismas eve ride, filmed by sprog, edited by Alex Dark. Trials-Forum Video ->Full View • Download • Upload
  5. Edited lol. And like i said im not sure i will check the train times homeboy:)
  6. The LX cranks are very good. The XTR ones are the creem of the crop but not being external, i wouldnt go near them. HT2 is soooooo much better.
  7. do you honnestly think that is for trials? Looks like a nice town bike..
  8. Muel, 125's have changed loads since 2004! ive always said 200's where just crap anyway lol Im 16, weigh 13 stone and am 5ft 11. My 07 beta can get me around an expert grade trial. Yes i do understand where everyone else is comming from about 250's but you will learn soo much more on a 125.
  9. Basicly, if your under 18 you want a 125. This is because the acu have age restrictions on bike capacities. Gasgas - feel short, rev well but have there draw backs. The reward good maintainence with a long life, however poor maintainence will be punished by the poor build quality. My mate has recently bought a 2010, and in every ride for about 6 rides something has gone wrong. Sherco- Feel very similar to the gasgas. Bit more tourqy, and slightly better build quality of the two. Rev well but still must be maintained. Beta (my bike of choice)- I have a 2007 model and find it lovely. They feel much longer Imo than the other two and grip very well. They do require maintainence like any bike, however the bare minimum should get you by... Mine revs very well, and IMO revs better, has more touqe, and top end than my mates 2007 gasgas. Change the oil reguraly and it will last you years. Rev-3's have always been good bikes for beginers and experts. Max
  10. Edit: Finished now. She weigh's in at 11.5kg. I have a 2.2 mountain king next to me to replace the 2.4 on the front, so hopefully will drop to 11.3 maybe a bit less. max
  11. Yea man, will have to get out for a bounce some time soon
  12. Ive put a small bolt in the mech hanger hole. This way it stops the tensioner arm coming up too much
  13. Cheers for all the replies so far. The chain tension will be sorted as soon as i get a larger rear sprocket. Keep them coming....
  14. The zoo was built on the cheap. This wasnt...
  15. Thanks for your positive input pal...
  16. Not sure on year, but i think its a CLS frame.
  17. Thankyou, well i split my monty a while back and my mate gave up trials and kindly sold me most of his bike on the cheap, so i put the two together and got this
  18. Here she is, Had some spare time and parts lying around... Hope you like
  19. f**k me that bunny hop! Ace riding, invest in a lid though..
  20. Keep it! Everyone has rockmans. Monty's are lush i loved mine, and i love yours
  21. haha like i say it will all change when i get the new sprocket and take a few links out, just didnt want to waste a new chain by cutting it too short....
  22. Can anybody else see it? i can
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