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Everything posted by trialsmax04

  1. Me, Sprog, Alex Dark, Adam Fisher, Matt Vandart, Rainbird? Craig James T-lite man?, Pengelly, Jammy ,? james,? Kieran ? Billy ? Jack? Ok more riders is good. Still need more. Shall be doing a videhoooo and photos in the day too.
  2. Pretty pissed off at the moment. My rear brake hasnt been too great for a while now, so ive just re ground the rim with a medium sharp grind, fresh bleed (water) and re-set up the pads. Crap bite and poor sound. Any ideas guys? Heatsink mk2 backings and coust pads, Atoms Rim HS33 No booster but built in one on my HIFI frame. Cheers guys max
  3. Quote of the video; "Check out that shitter..." Lol! looking good, those bars are huge! what are they?
  4. Bump some one must want to come Lets make this one big....
  5. trialsmax04

    New Hs33 Brake

    body looks very similar to the Hayes Mag..... http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.schlickjumper.de/parts/bilder/2004-hayes-mag.-1104273720.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.schlickjumper.de/parts/post1_1661.htm&usg=__5yfIn30XK7Zf-nLFBiYeEIGgNa4=&h=415&w=510&sz=21&hl=en&start=0&tbnid=kWCxpYAqPoqfZM:&tbnh=131&tbnw=148&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhayes%2Bmag%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox%26rlz%3D1I7GZAZ_en%26biw%3D1259%26bih%3D538%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=712&vpy=70&dur=2672&hovh=202&hovw=249&tx=126&ty=95&ei=hY1cTL-fNt6HOLDO5JwP&oei=hY1cTL-fNt6HOLDO5JwP&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0
  6. Hell rainbird, Do it anyway... So: me sprog, Vandart, Adam fisher Alex Dark? Rainbird?
  7. Im sure this has been done before but for the front on a stock, Mountain king 2.2, Rear 2.5 high roller ST
  8. big plymouth ride 29th

  9. Right lads, Plymouth has not been ridden properly in a long time. Not trying to undermine Sprogs topic, or the 24 tour, but as its the last sunday of the summer holidays something has to be done. Basicly i WILL take this day off work to ride here, want LOADS of guys down for it, new faces very welcome. Copthorne from 10- 11ish onwards.... Im in; who else?
  10. Keep an eye out on the rides got another date in mind.
  11. chuck the single ply out, get a duel. it will be cheaper in the long run...
  12. Dude honnest ask any of the plymouth lot, i had a single ply mountain king on the back and pinched around every 5 mins. now switched to a 2.5 highroller duel ply every other knobble cut off, no pinches in around 6 months.
  13. That is a good way of doing it if you want to shed some weight off having a full ring. However repeated landing on it can allow the bb shell to crack.
  14. LOL! but how annoying was that music???
  15. Hopes his new freewheel will inspire confidence compared to the tensile 96....

    1. Alex Dark
    2. trialsmax04


      lol will do boy ned to get my back brake off sam and i will :)

  16. cheers for all that man. I am going to try and get to some open days around. Pretty broard but it would be either Plymouth, Exeter (cambourne/falmouth), Bristol, Cardiff, and Bath as a very remote option. Did a summer school at plymouth Uni a few weeks ago. Can honnestly say it was amazing and the facilities they now have there are far exceding there once poor reputation. Silly question but do employers look at your place of education as a standard? For example if you got educated at Oxford and came out with the same degree as someone from say, Bristol, would they chose the person from Oxford purely because of the prestigous name it has? max
  17. This thread is so funny! Just seams like the more senior members giving honest opinions and all the wee ones getting in a pissy. He was right, about 80-100 if your lucky id' say........
  18. Arnt tornado rims heavy as sin?
  19. Probably the best wheelset for that price is Hope Pro 2 hubs on something like freedom disc rims. they do a pair on CRC for 250. not sure about colour options though.....
  20. I got an 02 clio 1.2 as my first car, cost me 1300 and costs 1000 to insure fully comp...
  21. lovely could watch that all day....
  22. What a classic! haha amazing how far trials has come in 17 years. Back then the sport was so much more moto-trials orientated.
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