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Everything posted by trialsmax04

  1. where exactly is botter rock? And also do i need another acu licence for it? Ive got a 'trials rider' licence for moto trials. Dont really want to get another for one comp.
  2. There is a keyboard shortcut, i think its either F7 or F10 that brings up Acer E-Recovery. A google search will guide you through it, but if your laptop has Acer E-recovery just start that and run it through. Mine didnt require the backup disks i had made.
  3. love it :$ makes me want a mod....
  4. Just seen it in the ACU gazette. I have a contact number, but nothing else. Will probs ride it.
  5. Very nice. I beg you to get Small Block 8's in for 26" pleaseeeeeeeee!
  6. i will take those urbans off your hands Dark if you want a bit more cash for new ones
  7. if you guys do a search for Amarda way - plymouth you will find a large pedestrianalized street that runs from the top of town virtually to the sea. Copthorne hotel is at the most northern past of this street cant miss it really. If you like drop me a pm and i will draw your route from where ever you come into plymouth
  8. Joined. I like Dan, he is so down to earth and trains so blody hard! Get well sooon...
  9. Sorry i didnt mean that. For sure a fit young persons heart rate should hit 200 Bpm under a heavy load. I know mine does. Just the point i was making was a lot of people dont know the dangers of mixing excersise and caffeine drinks...
  10. Yea i did it with the side of a bench grinder. Pretty good brake now
  11. Exactly- thats why Caffeine "energy" drinks can be fatal. Just think if your heart rate was artificially rased on top of your exercising heart rate....
  12. Caffeine based drinks such as Relentless/ Redbull/ Monster/ Kick ect are extreemly bad for you. The caffeine in them doesnt provide energy it just effectivly raises your heartrate to "pep you up". Thease drinks are good in terms of stopping tiredness on say long journeys where you need to stay awake to drive ect lol. In terms of sport you require sugary glucose rich drink such as Lucozade. This is proven to actually give you energy due to the high levels in sugars. There was once a girl that died from drinking Redbull. She was playing basketball, semi-pro i think, and drank a can. When she resumed playing her heart rate was elivated so much she had a heart attack and died. Its not uncommon in young people to have an exercising heart rate of over 140 Bpm. and obviously if this is raised by another 30-40 Bpm from drinking a caffeine drink, well, not good.......
  13. That is officially mental!
  14. I seam to remember slightly them on surfboards. Made the board elivate off the water. For sure that couldnt elivate a sailing dinghy though?
  15. What is that? Didnt know they made rudders with a fin adjacent to the rudder itself? My uncle ownes a ski/ Wake/ Jetski lake in Kent if anyone is interested? Action Watersports
  16. All is nice appart from the frame. Why did they go and ruin the design of the kortz with that hideous down tube?
  17. sweet. Its good to see a few new faces. Do you and vandart know where copthorne hotel is? Where we meet?
  18. ive been sidehopping the wrong way for a long time. Never scraped my leg. Its just a load of balls. Ride to what feels comfortable for you.
  19. haha you would be surprised. I was just lucky i had the tools to do it:)
  20. well if im right, you sold it to adam fisher. And he couldnt be bothered to do anything with it, and sold it to me. And the brake mount it sorted and its riding strong
  21. Cheers guys. Im not that silly i can set up a brake reasonably well! To be quite honnest im not a huge fan of the coust pads since the originals i tried, i swear there different. Anyhow, its working okay now after i sanded my pads 100% flat. Next time i need new pads its going to be some TNN Baleys....
  22. I will second you on that. I bought one and chiped every single pawl so i ended up with vertially no engagements. Skipped like a schoolgirl with grease in, skipped when it had been serviced too. Kindly Onza replaced it with a 60 click and Tarty swapped it for an echo TR. Its surprising how much confidence it gives!
  23. I see. might have been my computer but they looked pretty big. Did you used to have an echo HiFi? With a buggered brake mount?
  24. Alexs proto frame is possibly the stiffest trials frame ive ever ridden. Anyhow, not overly keen on those dropouts.
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