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Everything posted by trialsmax04

  1. trialsmax04


    topics like these suck ass. Who cares? I cant even ride trials. Sure as hell have fun and thats what its all about.
  2. I think sam (luke and joe met him on wednesday) will be out with another one on saturday....
  3. I live just around the corner from the two downhill centres in the tamar valley. Bit of useless info but hey ho
  4. Myself and a friend are planning to hit up some shizzle. Anyone want to join? max
  5. trialtech are the best. End of.
  6. Mountain kins are only really decent for the front. My 2.4 was shocking on the rear. Pinched like every 5 mins. Maxxiss of continental Stunning bike though Edit: Mountain king 2.2 /2.0 (however narrow you wish to go) are on of the lightest tyres for the front.
  7. Looks lush. Post mount fork? About bloomin' time......
  8. Done ad redone about a hundred times. No joy.....
  9. Hi guys, Dont know if any of you have experienced this before? If so maybe you could help? My msn messenger (8 or 9 i think) has been playing up. I can sign in and it will stay on screen for a few seconds and then disappear. It then shows it is active on the righthand tool bar, yet if i hover over it that disapears too. Really weird. No spyware of Malware ( I hope!) as computer was completly wiped clean 2 days ago (was doing this before though). Any help guys? max
  10. Depends on price but its probably more trouble than its worth. Cheap manitou forks arnt too durable so might be a throw away job. Without seeing it its hard to tell.
  11. **personally** a much better rider than Mr Mac.... Content of video and the feel of the video was awesome. Loved it.
  12. I dont know why, but i really love your vids. Your "dont give a shit what other people say" style is cool. People need to stop being tarts. You also remind me of Jacob Black in Twilight*. max * Yes i am messed up. I like Twilight.
  13. ragley long travel hardtail. love mine!
  14. let me know joe. Im in launceston all the time as i go to college there.
  15. sorry i didnt spot this topic man. I forget to look in here sometimes. Of corse you know me, and i shall show you some decent spots around. Having said that launceston is a little limited!
  16. Think they look awsome. If i had the cash i would have one straight away.
  17. Finished this little AM beast........... Shitty picture
  18. awesome. Any way i can download these or is there copyright
  19. Im digging it mike! Got any other examples of your work you could send over? Edit: just listening to your August House mix. Pretty Phat man. Got anymore oldsckool trance?
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