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Everything posted by robo

  1. yes they can, i ride with one on my zoo but i had to buy a smaller rotor for it.
  2. that look sweet most of the GU look nice, and i love the blue on it not to much but just right.
  3. why dont you save up and get a GU Typhoon they ride proper nice and are quite strong. http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?produc...;category_id=36
  4. i am not selling it on trials forum i am just saying i am selling soz if u thourght i was selling it on trials forum and i am up for swaps to on msn
  5. i am selling my onza t-pro 08 frame, just bourght a zoo frame (mint) if any one wants to by one add me at rugby_star999@hotmail.com and i will talk to them on msn no cracks sliglty chipt
  6. i have onza fork and onza stem and handalbars they not good at all lol
  7. what dose everyone where (sorry about spellin) when the go on a ride cos i dont no wat to where? (spelling agen sorry)
  8. Me mate is seling his forks and his handalbars and stem i only got £60 so i can bye his fork for £60 or his stem and handbars for £45, the forks are zoo, stem is zoo and the handalbars are adamant. What should i get the forks or the stem and handalbars? soz half of wat i put up befor did not go up
  9. what should i get zoo fork £60 or adamant bars £20 and zoo stem £25?
  10. are the echo tr rims any good or what?
  11. what rim should i get 4 about £30? and what colour?
  12. if u are going to spend £130 on some forks you will have to have a good bike havent u got a onza t-bird and why have you got a pic of a onza bird and you ride a t-bird and if i remember you put forks on the rong way
  13. yer my screws are to small i need some that are longer and i carnt spell lol
  14. Hi I need some screws for my brake booster. Where can i get some from? sorry i have just posted this i thort i did not because computer is slow
  15. i need a sum scrows for my brake booster where can i get sum from?
  16. what is the best place to by trials biking gear
  17. i think u should get a wight with no gloser
  18. i put mine in hot water and ther make them expand and when they cool they shrink or you can use hairspray
  19. i am 14 and i have only been riding for 3 months
  20. i dont where a helmet but it your disison rely but i have been stoped by the cops 1s or 2s for not whering one
  21. they carnt tell you wat to do they are only your sponsor. they sponsor you to get ther name out there
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