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Everything posted by philth

  1. Just recieved my copy...big thanks to Mr Kenny for that one. Sheer Brilliants.. Very well edited.. I was entertains all the way through..great mix of footage Gunna leave it at that as I'm gan tee watch its again before eye goes riding how! BIG Props to CHAZ, Mikey BeAsT!!, FRaz (who still rides like a panzy) and the unmistakable Mr kenny
  2. this is my mate bike, he's had the tyres for ages and they are super sticky. Shame this topic is about old news.... http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?sh...82&hl=mod+tyres
  3. Think this should help... (Y)
  4. Ah well what can I say, the best rider in america is ME! Good old english me ha
  5. If you have access to the best equipment, sand blast it...none of this nitromours crap, sand blasting it keeps the frame dry, gets all the littletight areas clear, if you use paint a stripper its hard to get it all off, and because your using a liquid the frame takes langer to be read for you paint because of cleen up, the moisture from the sipper and the time it take to clean up the frame will oxidise, meaning the primer won't take properly.
  6. NO! They are complete poo compaired to the kool stops.
  7. philth

    Backflip Film

    flipping eck...sweet nice one Think the mono-brow padded a few of the falls :o
  8. Sweet vid..nice helmet I'd be wearing one going that big.(N)
  9. Ver moocho Thanks... :S :S
  10. Thanks, but it doesn't have a price on just the chainring/guard....soz prob wasn't very clear basicly just lookibg for the ring/guard not the arms.
  11. Ok the deal is, I live in Yank land now, my sister is coming for a visit in 3weeks, I want that new middlebrun 16t ring+guard, for once American prices arn't cheap because its imported from England...I don't have access to MBUK or have knowledge of the Uk scene any more..so: Wheres Cheapest??? (link please) Thanks (N)
  12. or is that the new signature GIRO TARTRIDGE
  13. lol lol lol lol thats a classic :unsure: :) :-
  14. one thing springs to mine frimley rider :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
  15. philth


  16. philth


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