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Everything posted by hdmackay

  1. That was a really great video! Was seriously seriously impressed! Your style looks really smooth too. I love how well the song works with it as well. 'Why do all good things come to an end?' Just like that video came to an end!
  2. Sound like a good idea to me. ^^^
  3. Cool. I'm thinking about getting a grind. So might be changing my pads. But then again, it is nearing summer now, so maybe no need.
  4. Finally run out of material on your cousts? You should get the same again. They were mental!
  5. What bike do you ride? Onza T-Pro '08 How long you been doing trials? About 5 months What is your biggest flat to flat? Roughly 5-6 foot What is your biggest sidehop? 29-30" What is your biggest drop? 7 foot natty or street? Both but ride street more Where is your favourite place to ride? Inverness
  6. Assuming they will make the piston last longer than the Heatsink ones, if they are gonna get broken you should get a good 10 months out of them?!
  7. Definately Mod for me! Although I do love the feel of my mates stock.
  8. I was silly and didn't read the post saying you ride stock so I voted Try-All Rage '08. But I only recommend them for mod as they are only 27.5" or something. Saying that though they feel REALLY nice. But for stock i'd say the Trialtech bars. If you click on them on Tarty as well it shows you like half the stock riders sponsered by Tarty use them aswell!
  9. Ok, thanks for all your guys help. I don't think I will do it then.
  10. Hi, I am thinking about getting a grind on my back wheel and I was wondering if you are meant to angle grind your pads aswell to make the surface ruffer? Some of my mates do it but other people don't. Thanks Hunter
  11. Hey and welcome back. Hope you have great fun riding trials again! First of all. We all love and worship Danny Macaskill! He recently released a new video and it has been a MASSIVE hit! Everyone loved it and it's been on the news and everything. Truly amazing. Here's a link:
  12. Alright thanks. You ever heard Of CNC'd backings actually cracking the piston itself?
  13. Ok, fair enough you mentioned about the plastic backings flexing and all that. But... I've heard that with CNC'd backing they can crack your pistons. They can snap the wee bit it clips onto, They do cost more. And what Muel said earlier, with these ones because they are so slim you need to sand down your prongs? I've never tried CNC'd backings before so when I have the money i'm pretty certain after reading these reviews that I will get some Phat pads. But I really hope nothing breaks on my piston! Haha. I'm not really a fan of sanding stuff down either but hey.
  14. Will they ever be available in powerpad backings!?
  15. Thanks alot guys. I was thinking the Adamant anyway because it's £50 cheaper!
  16. Hehe! I just find that song really catchy! I had a listen to their other stuff and it's shit! Haha.
  17. Hi, I'm needing a new frame as I have cracked my last one and I was wondering what would be stronger. A GU Typhoon '08 or an Adamant A3. I don't really care about weight I just want a really strong frame. I've heard about the '08 Typhoon's cracking where the seat stays meet the top tube but haven't heard much about Adamant's cracking. Thanks Hunter
  18. Enjoyed that video! Liked the song. I love your bike! Some really nice stuff in there.
  19. Looks lush! And rides nice too. (WEnt on it today.)
  20. I wouldn't go that far. Most deng stuff is the strongest stuff you can get. Just a few things, mainly Echo, may be prone to snapping. On the whole they make strong stuff though.
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