That's because we know what's nice and whats not. :wink2:
And to answer your question no. infact, for me, going from +55 to +70 has made pretty much everything feel better. Theres nothing that's 'impossible'.
Aha! You ledgend.
My T-pro has a massive crack on the brake mounts too. But it's too big to run a back brake with.
I'm currently collecting old parts so I can build it up again brakeless.
Can't wait! Haha.
Yeahh. I used to make up quite alot of 'songs' on guitar. It's quite funny listening to them all now but I realise how I have no imagination anymore. I used to be able to come up with riffs fairly easily. Bah! Still good fun.
Aww right. Well during my first 3-4 years I played LOADS. Lol. Always everyday. 2 hours a day I did for a while but recently I pick up my guitar about once a week. For half an hour... at my lesson! Kinda dissapoints me to be honest. I want to want to play if you get me?
Well... Before I started grades we just did songs/ techniques/ theory and stuff at lessons. It was good fun then.
Hmm... Just gonna finish grades then.
Doing 7 the now. The playing part is piss easy. The songs aint hard. It's the freakin' ear tests that I suck ass at!
What motivates you guys to play guitar?
Been playing about 6 and a half years now.
I used to play ALL the time. But I can just never be assed anymore.
When I do go on it I usually find it great fun but it's getting myself to start playing in the first place that's a problem. Lol.
Personally I think starting grades has sucked the life of guitar outta me.