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Everything posted by hdmackay

  1. Definately keep at it.
  2. Looking pretty good Scott!
  3. Great video there. Very smooth riding. Your back brake sounds lethal!
  4. Using a booster usually increases the hold but decreases the bite.
  5. Maxxis Creepy Crawlers are really good tyres. Me and most of my mates use them.
  6. Great vids there Ross! You suit mod much better!
  7. Hope you get your stuff soon man. Could you please let me know if your stuff from T-UK arrives? I'm wanting to order a part and they are the only website that still have it. I'm not sure what to do. It's a bit of a risk.
  8. Bit of a bump here, but is it actually out of business?
  9. Lol. But I mean the actually wee bit where it goes onto. You know how on other frames there is a bit that sticks for it to go? Meh, it's hard to explain.
  10. The topic starter. PM Phat Mike.
  11. Lol, lots of bumping on the go.
  12. It looks like a really nice bike. I was just wondering, does anyone know if it's ok to run a bashplate with it? It was the mounts for it, but it has no space for the rubber block?
  13. Wow, he's amazing! Can't believe how much like Danny Macaskill he is! Really nice style.
  14. If you could afford it definately the 74kings one. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?pr...category_id=104
  15. The same thing happened to my piston. ANd if your not meant to bleed with water what can you use instead? Because I can't stand royal blood bleeds. They're just far too sluggish. Any ideas?
  16. Actually wrong Ross. No they don't! Divide them and you will see. I think the post above this states this.
  17. No, they aint the same. 22:16 would be lighter thn 18:12 and 24:18 would be even lighter than 22:16. 18:12 is definately the best gear ratio.
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