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Everything posted by hdmackay

  1. How can cutting off the knobbles give more grip!? Haha
  2. Hmm... not as much as just getting new tyres all together. Haha. Can't believe on stock you can save over 2kg on just tyres and tubes!
  3. That was absoluetly amazing!
  4. It can't save that much cutting off tyre knobbles...
  5. Not bad Ross. Quite a good video but I always prefer street videos.
  6. Ahh, ok. And yes. It is mainly just the centre knobbles so it could just be because the outer treads aint in contact with the ground much.
  7. Hey again, I have a fairly new set of Maxxis Creepy Crawler tyres, I had them before aswell and that set lasted me pretty long and I have read on here that they are the longest wear life tyres for mod. I had a slow puncture and I couldn't be bothered fixing it so for the last week or two so I have been pumping my back tyre up pretty hard so it doesn't suddenly go flat mid-ride. So having rode with high tyre pressure all week, (I've been riding lots, every day) i've noticed my tyres have worn alot. So i'm wondering, has anyone else had experience with this? Does higher tyre pressure wear your tyres quicker? It could just be me forgetting how quickly tyres wear. Thanks Hunter
  8. Close please.
  9. Well... it says on your profile you ride Stock... if you bike is 1050 that is actually super short for a stock. EDIT: Just read the post again. You said 1150. That is crazy long! I don't see that being the case. Never heard of bikes being that long.
  10. Awesome, because there doesn't seem to be much choice with 12t splined sprockets.
  11. As the ol' TF saying goes: Pics or it didn't happen. Naa, joking. I believe it but wow that's cool. Haha
  12. I wouldn't reccommend it. You would have to ride veryy smooth then. Theres bound to be better ways to save weight that doing that. But meh, maybe that's just me because i'm a complete basher.
  13. Great vid there Higgle. Loved it:P
  14. Ok, but I was looking on Tarty at the splined sprockets and most of them only go down to 14t. I'm needing a 12t one. The Gusset ones do 12t and I was wondering is there a reason most of them are 14-18t? Are they meant to be used on the front? Thanks
  15. Hi, I hopefully going to be getting a new back wheel set-up soon and i'm not sure whether to get a screw on sprocket or a splined one. I've heard that screw on ones can be very hard to get off. Give your opinions please. Hunter
  16. Awesome Mcinnes. Loved it. Your tanking now! And just because I got my hair cut doesn't mean you have to! Keep it growing afro man!
  17. Excellent video. Shame your stopping trials for a bit. Liked the song too.
  18. It's called the late night thread for a reason...
  19. f**king awesome! ^^^^
  20. Personally I wouldn't get one. But they look so so soooo niice!!!
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