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Everything posted by hdmackay

  1. Well, I only runa front vee so a booster isn't neccesarry and my brake is insane. However, if your planning on running a rear vee, definately get a booster.
  2. Haha, I think they post on each others account more than they post on their own.
  3. Hawo Higgglezzzz. :P


  4. Hey dude, welcome to the forum and shizzle. But have a read of the rules and stuff. Your not allowed to Buy or sell until your validated.
  5. Lawwwlllll, Zommmg rofl socksszzzzz slegzz

  6. ;)

    Your into it. :P

  7. Your bike looks sooooo shiny and bright in that pic!
  8. Cool, make sure you give him a good ass-kicking on behalf of everyone who might have dealt with him in the past.
  9. So have you given up on pursueing Lazenby for those forks? And by the looks of it that's a snapped steerer tube which as far as I know it not replaceable.
  10. Looks really nice, but honestly, how can you say it's the nicest frame you've ever ridden from one minute hopping on the back wheel in your garden? For all you know it could suck for pretty much everything except backhops. I'm sure you'll ride it beast though. I look forward to a video.
  11. Looks pretty bad! Would have been better if the cameraman kept following you with the camera though.
  12. Why are you bumping? Your questions have been answered. And also, you should only bump for sale and wanted threads. (Which are not allowed in the NMC before you make one)
  13. That's very clear to me now. I just think the forum should be allowed to have some laughs.
  14. Ok. But bearing in-mind they were just topic of the top of my head. I have seen alot that i've though shouldn't be closed but I guess I see where yous are coming from.
  15. I know but it was just fooling about and it was funny. Even he himself said he found it amusing. I suppose I know what your saying. But surely if the person that's getting the piss taken out of finds it funny themselves... then it's alright? Haha.
  16. I've noticed over the past month or so that ALOT of threads on here get closed. I mean yeah, theres all the new member threads of people trying to sell stuff and that but sometimes theres no reason. Like maybe this page or page 2 in chit-chat http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=144112, someone posted a topic about Tarty and about how they could upgrade scrolling through pictures on the website or something, and immediately the thread got closed whereas pretty much every person who works at Tarty uses this forum and could have considered his idea. Also, http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....40&start=40 that thread. Numerous people were commenting about how funny it was and seemed a good laugh but yet, for no reason it got closed. Another example, http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....=139342&hl= , that was a pretty funny thread and even Danny himself said it's the 'funniest thing i've read in a long time' but yet it still got closed. I just wonder why threads get closed to often? Can anyone actually say why? It's as if it's against TF rules for a thread to be funny. Having said all this, I bet this thread now gets closed.
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