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Everything posted by hugh_b

  1. try-all are wank, they tried to fit too much into the space they had and many have gone bang, ive heard of loads on here going bang. Tensiles are mint, they are quite cheap, super smooth, mine hasnt skipped once (touch wood) and you get a half price replacement. The new monty one just seems to get all the crap in them and go gritty like the acs's did. my tensile has never had any of these problems. You cant go wrong for £30 odd .
  2. yep, back high, front low. I have seen quite a few top riders like this. It helps whe your super tucked and only need the back brake eg-tapping etc.
  3. cool pics dude. what a weekend eh? was so much fun, ymsa- THE best trials in the country for deffinate.
  4. uci for deffinate, anyone wanting to compete with uci rules should get themselves to the ymsa, not nly are they the most fun trials to ride but they are the ony ones with uci rules in the country. the sections are well thought out and set out by people who have a huge amount of world level uci experience. get your selves to them there ace!!
  5. Just got back from the whole weekend of riding and all i can say is AWESOME. The sections were spot on both sunday and monday, the riding was mint, and the fun factor was 11/10. I would like to thank Dave & family for running these trials as they put a huge amount of effort in and really know how to run uci trials. Also like to thank everyone else who helped out and observed etc and all those who came and rode, supporting the club. I think it's pretty ridiculous how people enter and dont turn up, whats the point?? I rode like a goon both sunday and monday so mucked up a little but the atmosphere is so good i just enjoyed it and i came away happy and looking forward to the next one, also practiced my rounders skills I'd say danny was defo the best . Thanks again to everyone, a great weekend had by all.
  6. great pedals, very light and super grippy, i try to ride uci but have smacked mine loads and the pins havent come out etc (touch wood lol). cheers-hugh
  7. guys this event is deffinately going ahead after speaking to Dave this morning, set to be an awesome weekend,
  8. kinda hard to decribe, you have to go through the town then where the road splits you need to stay along the top, go past the renault garage and turn right. if you search google you should find directions.
  9. yeah i know that bud, but i think alot of people who watch this do think i'm pretty pants but when i go riding it's a different story, i just dont seem to be able to make a decent video lol, never have anyone to film me as i ride on my own mostly. I just ride natural aswell and i think it's hard to make a good natural video. -Hugh
  10. well thats what i was told by tartys I just thought it was best to go on what they thought. cheers-hugh
  11. loads of views and 4 comments Any more guys n gals?
  12. lol took me a while to find it in my i-tunes. thanks for the comments so far. Any more???
  13. 18, been riding for 4 years roughly. My vid's are always crap though, i never seem to take the camera to good spots as i'm too busy riding. I ride a huge amount better on natural. i think alot of people think i'm crap but those who saw me at the weekend (brit round) may disagree. I'm training as hard as i can this year to get good results and hopefully some titles. Have to see what happens. edit:have a look at my pics in other threads to see how i am at natural dude's
  14. You tube link now up guys n gals: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLxgXKRgf08
  15. hey guys n gals, while ive been home ive knocked togeather a vid of me riding in my back garden and the local park, i was riding on my own using a camera tri-pod to film so it's not great, nor is the editing lol but worth a watch i think. Comment once watched please. This is the first time i'm foing this ftp thing so i hope it has worked, will be up on youtube shortyly aswell. thanks-Hugh http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/hugh_b
  16. that was the shizzle, really enjoyed watching that. Crazy big moves going on there and very smooth. me likey
  17. come on guys, need your entries in soon. Just enter online, wont take 5mins. You know you want to
  18. hugh_b

    Rimjam Pads

    well done for addressing the problem Chris, i think alot of other companies would not. These seriously are the best pads i have used and with the new backings sorted they are going to be even better no doubt. -hugh
  19. hugh_b

    Rimjam Pads

    i have heard, but this is no way deffinate that magura are bringing out a new hs33 in the not so distant future.
  20. yep i'll be there for the whole weekend, sent my entry today. come on guys, get your entries in, not much effort is it. Come and ride some real uci trials, this weekend is deffinately not one to be missed
  21. hugh_b

    Rimjam Pads

    i'm in the same boat as u scott, done the brit round at the wkend and had them in for about a month and they have been fine. Cant explain that one really.
  22. Deonn i have just ordered 2 from them for £5 each!! they have all the bits and just make them up for you. just give them a ring and they should sort you one out bud.
  23. whoops just searched and it does seem that way. i have about a metre of magura braided hose though but no fittings, could i use the fittings off the unex hose to build a crossover with genuine magura hose? cheers-Hugh
  24. well thats fine then but i dont want to run water as the seals are dramatically reduced in life. All sorted now, ordered a unex one from supercycles-a bargain 2!
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