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About hugh_b

  • Birthday 08/19/1988

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  • Real Name
    Hugh Barker
  • Bike Ridden
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. A video i made last year on the limey 2 before i started riding for meta bikes. Quite old now.
  2. If your into natural then great not so sure about any street though.
  3. I was thinking of Toad rocks in Tonbridge
  4. Anyone up for a ride tomorrow? I'm thinking of riding Toad rocks if any one is up for it? Hugh
  5. Thought i'd buy a bike again for a bit of fun really! Thanks to Tarty's for the usual fast service and Steve at heatsink for the very nice shiny coust cnc brake pads!
  6. Have been building my bike this evening. When it came to fitting the try-all shift front tyre their doesn't seem to be a specified tread direction as there is with the rear! From pics i've noticed the giacomo coustellier running it the same way as me and gilles running it the other way. Is it a case of run it what way you think is right or is there an intended direction which works the best? I currently have mine with the white logo's on the drive side! Hugh
  7. Thanks for that, didn't see that bit in the description :$ Hugh
  8. Currently building up a new hydroxx lt frame. I fitted a trial tech bb today, put drive side in first and then put non drive side cup in. However this cup has about 3-4mm of thread still showing when fully tightened. It appears that the lip on the cup is pressed firmly up against the non drive side bearing. I always thought this cup should fit pretty much flush with the bb shell when fully tightened? Anyone? Hugh
  9. i'm guessing they are making hope hoops for trials then!
  10. a couple of my mates are heavily into their land rovers and over time I've come to like them, looking at getting a defender soon, probably a 90. One of my mates loves his disco's, has a nice td5 thats chipped etc and a work horse with all the offroad extras strapped to it. My other mate is into his defenders, currently just got a 110 td5 and he built a 130 tipper for work! He built a tom raider replica not so long ago, had a nice v8 in it with barely any muffler so it sounded like a beast and he fitted a range rover auto gearbox so it was great off road.
  11. marzocchi now use post mount and rochshox use intl std, manitou use post mount aswell. With regards to forks, marzocchi aren't what they used to be. When i did loads of dirtjumping then best thing to have was some older style bolt together marzocchi's like z1 duals which were bolt through or z1 drop-offs. In my opinion they just feel wank now and are very over rated. Rockshox however have become awesome!
  12. hugh_b


    Tarty is simply the only answer to all your problems, i have used them for all my stuff for the last few years and the service and after sales/advice has been nothing but top notch and very helpful. My first bike from meta was sent through trials-uk to speed it all up so i didn't have to wait to get it from Canada as i was bike less. Bike turned up in a battered old box with the rear sprocket removed! Was told by trials-uk it was deffo on there I don't think screw on sprockets just fall off now do they, especially as the bikes are factory built. Trials-uk couldn't sort this out for me, tarty stepped in and helped me out, should have just waited for it to come through tarty anyway....... Hope all you guy's get you problems with trials-uk sorted.
  13. I'll possibly be able to make this with a few mates, believe me you don't have to pay the £7.50 to get in if you know where to park like so many do Some good singletrack and northshore in there though. I'll let you know!
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