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Everything posted by Jenn24

  1. Hehe..These sXay Males! Mister Tomm Boi! Mister Watkins!..x
  2. Jenn24

    Tom Boi.x.jpg

    From the album: Random

  3. Jenn24


    From the album: Random

  4. Sammy Whee will be there,..soo will mee! Haha Rich..i'll tell mum, that your mum may be coming along, sure she will be glad to see her..Take care of yourself.. See you all there.. xxJ<3xXX
  5. Samm here......Anyone fancy oxford tomorrow??? I'll be out after college.
  6. Jenn24

    Nass 2005

    Hello sam here on my sister's profile. I'd be more than willing to help. NASS is one of best events of the year and I'd love to be a bigger part of it. :- If so could you email me; aliwheeler53@hotmail.com Cheers
  7. Yeh but will Neill be fixed in time.... Well if he is.. be really gurd to see Craig and Neill there, some top street riders, theyll just WoW the crowd..lolz! Vincent Hermance will be awesome to see too.. But will Cesar Cannas actually go.. :) xxxJ<3xxX
  8. Awesome ridin Neill!..Totally Mad!! ;) The trolley pole thing don't look to safe.... xxxJ<3xxX
  9. Haha Me and Sammy watched the whole vids last night, and i just did't get bored!.. Love Tim Pratt's Manuel on the sign..like Woah!!..hehe also love his stack where he just disappears behind the wall...hehe Real inspirational.. Great Vids..Great Site!!! :wink2: XxxJ<3xxxX Haha lolz..about the man thing, but yeh it would be great!
  10. Hey...i'm not going, but were any of you guys riding on Saturday, as i drove through Portsmouth on the way to the ferry to the Isle of White, one boy was on a 20" onza..... Hehe Random..but i was like...Wohh Riders! :P XxxJ<3xxX
  11. Noo..your not allowed to be mean to me James...please don't! :S Hehe..And YES Michael Hardman..it is obvious..but just put a downer on everything why don't you!. xxJ<3xxX
  12. Nice One Jonny!!! Realy amazin site...hehe sammy's face on it! hehe Ohhh i want to be Male!!! :- xxxJ<3xxxX
  13. Take the quiz: Which Disney Princess are you most like (with 2 new princesses) Aurora You love all Woodland animals, especially owls. You like to dream alot, but be careful tdont go to sleep away from your true love's first kiss. Heehee...What Princess are you!!?? :- XxxJ<3xxX
  14. Samm Will deffinatly be there...hehe.. An..Yeh i should be going this year too... :- Haha..just watched some vids from last year...im deffoo there!! :P Hehe..x XxxJ<3xxX
  15. I saw the South Today news, it was very upsetting but Charlie Sue and Em you were really strong, your such amazing people..as someone said i don't think many other people could have done it.. All my love Sue, Charlie, Sam, Adam, Em and The rest of Deej's Family and Friends.... Hope to see you all soon.. Miss you Deej, Ride in Peace..xx :-
  16. Hey Rich!...How is the ankles?? Did you get to drink on your 18th???? Nah shall not be riding..dont have a license..But i will be there as normal..yeah you have to come along even if your not riding, be good to see you. Haha dont push it but true if you can walk you can ride..! So are you planning to ride On the Saturday but both days if you can?..Samm wants to do both aswell so i'm not to sure what's happening though, but if your going on the Saturday I'll see you because im going on the Saturday as i have a hockey game on the Sunday.. Well all the best for the ankles and i'll see yous there! :lol: XxJ<3Xxx
  17. Think Samm wants to do both days....so we'll be there!! :P Im guessing people have already sent off their forms? as theres only the 30 riders each day... XXxJ<3xXx
  18. Another time to feel lonely.... :wub: ... Hehe....I've actually only had the one boyfriend on Valentines day,...oh no...feeling even more lonely..hehe.. Every year i have got a present though...from my mum, she gets me and bro one every year..though he will be getting a proper one this year...ohh nooo..feeling more lonely...hehe :- XxxJ<3xxX
  19. Haha..That made me actually laugh out loud at the computer!..sorry but i had to say that...it keeps making me laugh...hehe :"> :D XXJennXxX<3
  20. Urmmm...guessin Samm will be there, even if he isnt riding again...hehe..don't think he's using the crutches, must mean its getting bit better, he'll be fighting fit soon..hehe.. i wont be there...as i am doing a coaching course all weekend.. :P XXJ<3XX
  21. Yes....it is mee!!.. :ermm: .. Trying to change it but it won't...do the avators have a 24hour thing on them? XxJ<3XxX
  22. Hahaha i dont even drive...it's my mates car..only sixtteeen...hehehz :S And i'''m a girl last time i looked... Hehe...why thanxxx!!.. XxXJ<3XxX
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