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I am ze best

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Everything posted by I am ze best

  1. Yeah dude its like the worst 09 bike there is. Eventhough you are just starting, You still got to have a decent bike, a aonza rip is not a decent bike.
  2. Theres no reason why you cant its just that look at the length differences and then you will the that your bike will be well short.
  3. Also I am thinking of buying the onza replacement one. Will that be ok for it?
  4. Yeah shame you cant have a bash plate on it though!
  5. You mean you cant buy or sell in nmc at all. You can only buy or sell when you are validated.
  6. My rear axle snapped and was wondering how to fit a new one. cheers
  7. Yeah I think I will buy another set soon. I realy like them eventhough they mould into your hand after a while but like that.
  8. Dude sorry about that. How could people nick 5 bikes. What saddos would nick 5 bikes. Hope you get them back.
  9. Right I think the bb ride is about 50 degrees. I think the wheel base is around 1040 but once again im not too sure. spec: Zona Zip frame (picture is echo sl's, SNAPPED) now got monty forks (disc) front onza/avid disc brake echo flat bars t-master stem front blue echo wheel, shirmano hub, try-all type. back blue echo wheel, t-master hub, creepy crawler tyre back maggie, bubllegum pads (crap) viz bb and freewheel one monty crank, one onza onza pedals
  10. Yeha could get 4 pairs but tey would be like short grips. ive only ridden like 2 days with them but if you get 4 pairs for a fiver then even if they do wear down you get a lot of grip for your money.
  11. wow dude tat was awesome. Like the combo between day and night filming. huge sidehops.
  12. If you are in need of some new grips then go into halfords and buy the pack of 4. Each one is slightly longer than the standard sized grip but you can cut them down. They are only £5 and you get 2 pairs from it. They are sooo soft and are thicker than the try-all foam. Really confortable. Recommend you get some.
  13. Yeah not bad mate. I f it was me I would put all my clips into one big video rather than just single clips.
  14. Yeah I agree. Ive been riding for a few months now and still wouldnt trust myself with a back disc. I went front disc and has been good so far (touch wood) but if it was me I wouldnt go back disc straight away. +1 on blade.
  15. Eventhough i like longer bikes I prefer the sky by quite a lot.
  16. You can buy them on heatsink bikes but remember any pads being used by like the best in the world are going to be good. And the act that they are from gilles himself then they must be bloody good, which they are because ive ridden adams bike and the brake didnt even slip what so ever even when its was like mega heavy rain. Sick bike by the way.
  17. Yeah not bad but I think they look more like a bmx frame. its not low enough. Wouldnt buy one myself.
  18. I was just wondering what you thought was the lodest freewheel is and how you know so. Tartybikes think it is the Tensile 96 click but they are not sure. What do you think?
  19. What do you mean like the wheelbase or like my spec?
  20. Mate. Do not get the try-all grips. They are absolutely horrible. They dont ware down so they stay really har and they hurt you hand after a while. Mine are like 2 years old and still look the same as when they came out the packet.
  21. oh my god. How cheap can you buy stuff. A whole frame for like £50 brand new, the echo team 09 for like £900. Amazing. Bloody hell though. Seems dodgy. Doesnt say any of his details only email. Dodge. Dont buy unless you know.
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