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guuuuuuuuu leeeeeeeee

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Everything posted by guuuuuuuuu leeeeeeeee

  1. if you want something exactly same as monty get another one echo lites ride realy nice but chainstays seem to snap zhi zm3s :$ mates got one i love it czar short amazing go for czar imo
  2. always wear one its worth it bout time i get a new one though
  3. +1 erm i dunno never been bored of trials when im bored of been inside i do trials though
  4. its uber comon but if you ride to much it could result in dislocated knee or worse
  5. nope read through the posts it was your punctuation that pointed it at me
  6. +1 i had mine for 4 months skiped twice im now running a tensile its skipping 4-5 time a ride time to get a service
  7. i dont know many people who use one just feep your pedals tight
  8. ive been doing gaps and drop gaps now scott but i sprained my ankle doing the drop gap so out comes the ice again
  9. ELITE!!! he isnt far off sam oliver and hes a beast at natty glad he isnt doing minime
  10. trials always come first for me so im single atm
  11. fooking jesus he'll be riding in the elite class by the time he hits puberty
  12. send them to m and s to get some testers
  13. i hate riders like you your all way to good at natty
  14. you do realise cables and levers are sold separatly for them brake so 15-20+15-20 quid for levers and cables its realt quite expensive now isnt it
  15. doesnt danny mac run 203? dont see why i wont work though bigger rotor more power you should flaten a dinner plate and sand it down until it as thin as a rotor
  16. doubt there good get some nice rock pad or heatsink cousts mate be sure to use a sharp harsh grind and you'll be sorted
  17. im running a rear tesco tube its working mint tubes beat lubes (i know it isnt actualy lube)
  18. no point in tubless tyres for trials if your whipping out alot land sidey moulding your tyres into all sorta shapes you'll just get face face full of white stuff
  19. ice is the answer to all my problem might go and get an apoinment at the oespath thingy guy
  20. they look like maggie red pads with double the pad
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